- "employ"这个字中,重音在第二个音节上 In the word " employ " the emphasis be on the second syllable
- A-Device A-Device
- B-Device B-Device
- deadman device (电车) 事故自动刹车装置
- device.INF文件缺少一个命令。 The device.INF file is missing a command.
- 它在ml_device表中添加或更新行。 It adds or updates a row in the ml_device table.
- bucket tipping device (斗式提升机的) 翻斗装置
- cloth discharge device,outlet assembly 出布装置
- Hardys thin cross-section device 哈氏切片机
- Wagner earth device (一对阻抗的连接地点) 瓦格纳接地装置
- abbr. 简易爆炸装置(=improvised explosive device) I.E.D.
- 在device.inf或media.ini文件中的设备名称太长。 The device name in the device .INF or media .INI file is too long.
- 电话号码(phone-number)来自ml_device_address.address列 The phone number comes from the ml_device_address. Address column
- 本文简述了电荷耦合器件(Charge Couple Device)的性能. The main characteristics of the Charge Couple Device (CCD) are briefly described in this paper.
- 设备认证服务器(Device Authentication Server,DAS)。 The Regional Device Authority works with the enterprise Device Security Server to register (authorize) individual end-user devices so they can run the security-enabled, device-aware applications.
- 系统用maxplusII仿真,采用的device为EPF10k130EFC672-1x。 The system uses maxplus II to simulate with the device of EPF10k130EFC672-1x used.
- Filesys.exe将首先查询device.exe,以查看它能否识别设备名称。 Filesys. Exe will first query device. Exe to see whether it recognizes the device name.
- 描述通道数目以及从Device的ValidateDevice方法返回的结果代码。 Describes the number of passes and the result code returned from the ValidateDevice method of a Device.
- CCD(Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件)是一种多通道的光学检测器。 Various charge coupled devices (CCD), as multiple channel optical detectors,have been widely used in many spectroscopic techniques.
- 在这个代码摘录中,STOPPED和DEVICE_EXTENSION是我在我自己的一个头文件中定义的东西。 In this code snippet, STOPPED and DEVICE_EXTENSION are things I defined in one of my own header files.