- As the general contractor, your company should pay business tax according to the construction item of the tax law. 作为总承包人,你公司应按建筑业缴营业税。
- Tax official: As the general contractor, your company should pay business tax according to the construction item of the tax law. 税务局:作为总承包人,你公司应按建筑业缴营业税。
- Without additional construction or compensation tasks they can be mounted directly under the platforms. 它不需要任何附加结构或补偿操作,可以直接安装在平台的下面。
- Combined with additional construction capex of about RMB900mn, the total outlay could reach RMB1.8bn. 加上其约为9亿元人民币的额外建筑费用,总支出可能会达到18亿元人民币。
- Tax official: As the general contractor,your company should pay business tax according to the construction item of the tax law. 税务局:作为总承包人,你公司应按建筑业缴营业税。
- Taxpayer: The rate of the service item is5%,and the rate of construction item is 3%. That means my company overpaid the business tax. Is that right? 纳税人:服务业的税率是5%25,而建筑业的税率是3%25,这说明我们的税缴多了?
- Article 11 No additional construction project may be undertaken within the scope of protection for a historical and cultural site. 第十一条 文物保护单位的保护范围内不得进行其他建设工程。
- The rate of the service item is 5%, and the rate of construction item is 3%. That means my company overpaid the business tax. Is that right? 服务业的税率是5%25,而建筑业的税率是3%25,这说明我们的税缴多了?
- On top of this, there are the additional construction and the population influx that Beijing in particular will face because of the 2008 Olympics. 此外,2008年的奥运会使北京尤其要面对更多的土建工程与人口流入问题。
- Taxpayer:The rate of the service item is5,and the rate of construction item is3.That means my company overpaid the business tax.Is that right? 纳税人:服务业的税率是5%25,而建筑业的税率是3%25,这说明我们的税缴多了?
- Article 11 No additional construction project may be undertaken within the scope of protection for a historical and cultural site. 第十一条 文物保护单位的保护范围内不得进行其他建设工程。
- Taxpayer: The rate of the service item is5%, and the rate of construction item is 3%. That means my company overpaid the business tax. Is that right? 纳税人:服务业的税率是5%25,而建筑业的税率是3%25,这说明我们的税缴多了?
- Taxpayer: The rate of the service item is5%, and the rate of construction item is3%. That means my company overpaid the business tax . Is that right? 纳税人:服务业的税率是5%25而建筑业的税率是3%25这说明我们的税缴多了?
- Coolie Cheng is to point to single construction project commonly, be like: Brush emulsioni paint only or stick ceramic tile to wait, do not make other construction item. 炒作是娱乐界的强项,要想成为一个引人注目的歌手,除了有作品,还要有绯闻。
- My responsibility is responsible for the technical guidance to the county-wide animal husbandry roduction, and for the organising animal husbandry demonstration construction item and implementation work. 职责是对全县畜牧业生产进行技术指导,组织畜牧业示范项目建设实施工作。
- Last, studies its movement in construction item, sets up its distributive mechanism of income and venture, analyses its project management and communication and accordance among leaguers. 最后,研究了建筑企业动态联盟模式在工程中的运作,建立了动态联盟的收益/风险分配机制,分析了动态联盟在工程项目中的项目管理以及盟员企业之间的沟通与协调。
- Based on the analysis of the material expenses of construction item of middle and small water conservancy enterprise, this paper approaches the effective measures to control the material expenses. 摘要文章通过对中小型水利施工企业项目材料费用的分析,探讨适合中小型水利施工材料费用控制的有效措施。
- The ownership of present situation environmental monitoring data of the construction item was analyzed.The environmental monitoring institutes have ownership of the data and the clients have usufruct. 对建设项目环境影响现状监测历史数据的所有权归属进行了分析,环境监测机构具有现状监测成果的所有权,委托方有使用权。
- The printer can set this additional page in here. 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。
- Participate in preparations during electric construction, and check the construction items against diagrams. 参与电气施工阶段各项施工准备工作,并对施工项目和图纸进行核对。