- What does forceps cover the common material of model handle to have? Reach its to add benefit? 钳子套塑柄的常见材料有哪些?及其添加济?
- Add benefit to point out, still live in in ten population on the world at present beggarly in, perhaps say to live in hungry brim. 加利指出,目前世界上仍在十多亿人口生活在赤贫之中,或者说生活在饥饿的边缘。
- For added benefit, use with Echinacea, Vitamin C and/or Garlic. 乃日常生活保健食品。请放置于儿童不可触及处。
- Using MVC also has the added benefit of reusing code. 使用MVC另一个附带好处就是可以重用代码。
- This distribution system can make value added benefit and reduce installation cost. 这种分布式系统有利于变量的增加,降低安装成本。
- The added benefit is that it provides a good framework for future extensibility of the application. 增加所带来的好处是为应用程序将来的扩展提供了良好框架。
- An added benefit of these tempo runs is that the marathon pace feels easier and more manageable. 如此训练的附加价值会令你跑马时更轻松自在。
- Clockless chips also have the added benefit of emitting for less radio interference. 无时钟的芯片还有一个额外的优点,即辐射更少的射频干扰。
- Crossword puzzles also have the added benefit of increasing your vocabulary and trivia knowledge. 填字游戏还有利于增加词汇量和豆知识。
- Griffen said.An added benefit of eating well and exercising: You'll have more energy. 良好饮食及锻炼的一个额外好处是,你会有更多精力。
- Your body will feel stronger and healthier with the added benefit of Vitamins and minerals found in ANS. 额外添加的维生素和矿物质令您感觉更强壮、更健康。
- This flexibility has the added benefit of breaking up any sense of endless routine or day in day out drudgery. 这种灵活性具有打破任何没有尽头的例行公事或日复一日苦工感觉的额外好处。
- These can be just as useful as drugs, and have the added benefit of being nonpoisonous. 这些疗法与药物疗法具有同等的作用,并且另有无毒性的好处。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。
- There is an added benefit, Mr. Wong said, laughing: "If the phone rings on her side, I can still play the jealous boyfriend," he said. 王先生笑着说,还有一个好处是,“如果她那边的电话响了,我还可装扮成吃醋的男友。
- As an added benefit, a highly available messaging system can save money by providing consistent messaging functionality to users. 一个额外的好处是,高可用性的邮件系统通过向用户提供一致的邮件功能可以节省资金。
- The new Hitec HS-7985MG High Torque Digital Servo has the added benefit of the company’s new G2 second generation programmable digital circuit. 新的国际展贸中心,房协- 7985mg高扭矩数字伺服有一个好处,该公司新推出的G2的第二代可编程数字电路。
- She uses tongs to add coals to the fire. 她用火钳往炉火中添煤。
- A flexible schedule makes it easier to juggle job and family demands, but new research shows there's an added benefit: improved health. 灵活的时间安排使得协调工作和家庭需要更加容易,但是新的研究发现它还有另外一项好处:改善了人体健康。
- I add the coal on the flame continuously. 我不断朝火里添加煤炭。