- a wise and good ruler 贤明的统治者
- A wise and good man is composed and happy; a fool is always worried and full of distress. 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。
- Many years ago there lived in England a wise and good kingwhose name was Alfred. 很多年前,英格兰有一个聪明、善良的国王,他的名字叫阿尔弗雷德。
- A wise and trusted counselor or teacher. 贤明和忠实的顾问或良师
- Standley's a wise and salty old bird. 斯坦德莱是个英明干练的老家伙。
- He put forward a wise and doable suggestion. 他提出了明智的和可行的建议。
- He bring forward a wise and feasible suggestion. 他提出了明智的和可行的建议.
- He propose a wise and feasible advice. 他提出了明智的和可行的建议.
- There were still many wise and good men in the country. 国内还有不少聪明和正直的人。
- The reign of a wise ruler benefits his country. 贤明统治者的统治有益于他的国家。
- Good words and ill deeds deceive wise and fools. 动听的话和坏行为同样欺骗聪明和愚人。
- A good ruler will not oppress the poor. 好的统治者不会压迫贫民。
- A man may talk like a wise man and act like a fool. 说得天花乱坠,干得颠三倒四。
- And therefore Reuben was careful both to search the Scriptures and the books written by wise and good men of old. 因而鲁本不但仔细研读《圣经》,同时也研读古代圣贤所写的书。
- A good ruler will not oppress the poor . 好的统治者不会压迫贫民。
- Emperor Guangwu, being a wise and great ruler, did not get angry, but openly acknowledged his mistakes and presented the guard with a hundred bolts of cloth to reward him for his dutifulness. 光武帝毕竟是个英明有为的君主,非但没生气,还当众认错,又赏赐郅恽一百疋布,以嘉奖他的尽职。
- Bernie the Bird: A wise and adventurous bird who is a good friend to the mermaid sisters. 伯尼鸟:一只聪明爱冒险的小鸟,小美人鱼姐姐的好朋友。
- A warm house and good food are material comforts. 温暖的家和佳肴都是物质享受。
- Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing. 清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。
- A wise ruler is generous in victory. 明智的统治者在胜利时是宽宏大量的。