- a terribly earnest young man 认真得不得了的年轻人.
- John is a very earnest young man; he should be more cheerful. 约翰是个十分认真的年轻人,他应该更愉快些。
- Robert is a very earnest young man ; you can trust him. 罗伯特是个十分认真的年轻人,你可以信赖他。
- Robert is a very earnest young man; you can trust him. "罗伯特是个十分认真的年轻人,你可以信赖他。"
- The eager and earnest young man already experienced hardship turmoil and the rigors of a full-length day of adult work. 这位热心和诚挚的年轻人已经经历了成年人整天从事的艰苦的,繁重的和严峻的工作。
- The salesman was a very personable young man. 推销员是个风度翩翩的年轻人。
- He has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 他已成长为22岁的青年了。
- He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。
- He is a the most brisk young man in this group. 他是这个小组中最活跃的年轻人。
- He looks to be a young man of twenty. 他看起来就像一个20岁的青年。
- That young man is a motor mechanic. 那个年轻人是一个汽车修理工。
- This young man is really a magpie. 这个年轻人真是饶舌。
- John has grown into a fine young man. 约翰已成长为一个漂亮的青年。
- Her bridegroom is a handsome young man. 她的新郎是一个英俊的年轻人。
- Her husband is a very handsome young man. 她丈夫是一个非常英俊的年轻人。
- His son has grown up into a sturdy hardworking young man. 他的儿子已成长为一个健壮勤劳的小伙子。
- She was engaged to a young man, a tenant of his. 她和一个年轻人,伯爵的一个佃户,订了婚。
- The editor of the newspaper is a smart young man. 这份报纸的编辑是一个聪慧的年轻人。
- Though old, he walks as fast as a young man. 虽然年老,他走起路来像年轻人一样快。
- That young man gets terribly on my nerves. 这个年轻人使我浑身难受。