- a surface with rounded edges 带圆边的面
- Physical-Enhanced Laminate sheets are post formable for use on work surface with rounded edges, which will protect the seam from water or dirt. 贴面物理板可进行弯曲收边,消除了接缝难以抵抗水和污染的困扰。
- The technique of decorating a surface with cutouts, as of paper. 剪贴工艺用从纸上剪下来的图案装饰表面的技艺
- The technique of decorating a surface with cutouts,as of paper. 用从纸上剪下来的图案装饰表面的技艺。
- To clean or clear a surface with or as if with a broom or brush. 打扫:用或似乎用笤帚或刷子清扫或清除表面。
- Compounds and nodes are both represented as boxes with rounded edges, containing ports which are displayed as small, colored circles. 复合节点和节点都被描绘成有着描边的方块,其中包含着一些用彩色的小圆圈来表示的端口。
- Rub: To move along a surface with friction and pressure. 摩擦:受摩擦力和压力沿着表面移动。
- The sculpted cabinet looks very elegant, with routed details on the top, sides and bottom of the case, with rounded edges and a beveled front face. 音箱造型高贵,线路设计精巧,得体的侧面板和底板,采用了流畅的圆弧过渡设计,与前障板完美结合。
- Flatness can be determined by covering a surface with an potically flat glass. 用一光学平面玻璃覆盖一个表面,可以测量平整度。
- Some are dark volcanic grains.One vial, from the Banzai Pipeline, a surfing mecca in Oahu, “is all broken up shells with rounded edges,” he said.“This sand cannot last very long. 结果就是看到的这组样本,从东北海岸相对暗一点粗糙些的沙子到东南海岸这些白皙且细腻的沙子。
- Sponge down the surface with a wet cloth. 用湿布抹一下表面。
- Tong used four pieces of wood to complete this unique sculpture.He formed a trunk with the lower piece as a base.The trunk is in a muscular rectilinear shape with round edges. 作者利用四块木材雕成这一件独特的作品,他把作品底部的木雕成一个躯干,体形方长,圆角位置圆浑而有力。
- A paint containing a solvent and an oxidizing or evaporating binder, used to coat a surface with a hard, glossy, transparent film. 清漆,罩光漆一种颜料,含有溶解剂和氧化或脱水的粘合剂,用于把表面涂成坚硬的,有光泽的透明的膜
- A curve on a surface of revolution, formed by the intersection of the surface with a plane containing the axis of revolution. 回转面曲线回转面与通过旋转轴的平面相交而形成的位于回转面上的曲线
- Wipe the surface with a clean sponge. 用乾净海绵擦拭表面。
- It was a surface wound and soon healed. 那是一个表面伤,不久便长好了。
- It's a square shaped house with round windows. 这是一个有着圆形窗户的正方形房子。
- A surface, layer, or mass of frozen water. 冰面冻结的水的面、层或块
- A tool for stamping a design on a surface. 压印器一种在表面上打印出图案的工具
- The art or process of applying gilt to a surface. 镀金,涂金在表面镀金的过程或技术