- A rebirth of classicism in architecture. 建筑中古典主义的复兴
- a rebirth of Nazism 纳粹主义的复活
- The "Three-Self" Patriotic Christian Movement unfolded throughout the country, described by Wu Yaozong as a rebirth of Chinese Christianity. 中国基督教“三自”爱国运动随之在全国广泛展开,吴耀宗称之为“中国基督教的新生”。
- Then, as the days extended into week, he began wondering if a rebirth of Friends of Freedom might be possible. 后来,随着一天天渐渐变成一周了,他开始考虑“自由之友”是否还有卷土重来的可能。
- Is Shanghai loosing its soul in this mutation or are we witnessing a rebirth of the city. 上海是在这样的巨变中丧失了灵魂,还是我们正在见证她的新生?
- Would the revival of the wenren spirit in a modern version lead to a rebirth of the Asian civilization? 文人精神的 复兴,会不会是令亚洲文化再生的现代版本呢?
- PLANNING is not the only obstacle to a rebirth of nuclear power in Britain.The technology's torturous economics are, if anything, even trickier. 阻碍英国核能之新生者,并非只有规划而已,科技的经济成本也面临极大困境。
- The events of World War II led to a rebirth of Realist and then Neo-realist thought, as international relations theorists re-emphasized the role of power in global governance. 第二次世界大战的结果导致了国际关系现实主义复兴,后来发展出新现实主义,因为国际关系林论家重新强调了权利在全球治理中的作用。
- Modernization of biographical creation in China experienced a process of change of style from merely mimicking the West to a rebirth of new style of full bloom. 中国传记创作的现代转型是一次由借鉴模仿到最后脱胎成型的文体转变过程,也是一种崭新文体从萌芽到收获的生命成长。
- In recent years, there's been a rebirth of a number of downtownareas as suburbanites, especially young married couples, have movedinto the city to avoid roads filled with traffic between the subu-rbs and the cities every morning and evening. 近年来,随着郊区居民,特别是年轻夫妻,为避免每天早晚奔波在交通拥挤的城郊道路上而搬到城里住,不少闹市区又重新出现了。
- A rebirth in another form; a new embodiment. 轮回:以另外一种形式重新体现;一种新的体现。
- Reincarnation: Rebirth of the soul in another body. 转世:灵魂在另一身体内的再生。
- CPRF: Is the rebirth of lost values! 少数人深陷在财富和辉煌,但是大多数人希望大家一起共同享受富裕美好的生活。
- Anti-aging is like the rebirth of the skin. 逆转老化,肌肤重获新生。
- Hanna is a small part, thrown into the huge machine of Nazism. 在这种共享的麻木之上,他们形成了一种使恶得以日常化的合作关系。
- An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism;a fascist. 法西斯分子与纳粹类似的政党的教徒或提倡者;法西斯主义者
- An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist. 法西斯分子与纳粹类似的政党的教徒或提倡者;法西斯主义者
- They did not seem to realize what the poison of Nazism was doing to them. 本句翻译:他们似乎并没有认识到纳粹主义这个毒物对他们的盅惑。
- It was not so much a rebirth as a recovery of an older culture. 与其说它是古代文化的再生,倒不如说是它的再现。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。