- The doctors are researching for a blood bonor to match the patient who with a rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- The doctor is looking for a blood spender in favour of a patient who owns a rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- Doctors are seeking blood donors to transfuse to a patient who has a rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- The doctor are looking for a blood donator who can donate his blood to a patient with a rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- Doctor is looking for a blood donor who could transfuse blood to a patient with a rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- He suffers from a rare blood disease. 他患有一种罕见的血液病。
- The doctor is looking for a donator with rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- a rare blood type 罕见的血型
- Doctor is searching for a suitable blood donor to transfuse blood to a patient with rare blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- The doctors are finding one blood doner who can donate blood to rare blood type person. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- There is a rare blood disease - porphyria patients on a vampire and is very similar to the image. 有一种罕见的血液病-卟啉症患者就有着和吸血鬼十分相似的形象。
- Doctors are looking for a blood donor who can transfuse a patient with a rare blood. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- He did a lot of research into the embryological origins of a rare blood disorder in vampire bats. 后来,他从胚胎学的角度对吸血蝙蝠罕见的血液失调的起因进行了大量的研究。
- A top hat is a rare sight these days. 高顶大礼帽现在已不多见。
- Doctors are looking for a blood donator who can tranfuse blood to a patient with a rarely seen blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- A rare smile lit up his stern features. 他那难得一见的微笑在他死板的脸上平添一些生气。
- He did a lot of research into the embryological origins of a rare blood disorder in vampire bats.He dissected their embryos and documented every stage of their embryonic life. 后来,他从胚胎学的角度对吸血蝙蝠罕见的血液失调的起因进行了大量的研究。
- rare blood type in which all Rh factors are lacking 所有狝猴因子缺乏的罕见的血型
- He alighted on a rare medical herb. 他偶然找到了一种稀有的草药。
- This is a rare type of karst topography. 是非常罕见的喀斯特地貌景观。