- a rainbow of opinions 各种观点
- Then he added a rainbow of plastic ribbons for the tail. 然后又在风筝尾部加了几根彩带。
- Spring is a rainbow of wild flowers set against greenest fields... 整个地区分九个省。
- Green underlies the ability to synthesize the field into a rainbow of tones. 绿色潜在着合成场为彩虹音调的能力。
- There's a wide spectrum of opinions on this problem. 对这个问题的说法众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
- It is a difference of opinion that makes horse race. 赛马之所以(能够)成立,是由于有不同的看法(意见)。
- A rainbow or rainbowlike display of colors. 彩虹或彩虹般的色彩
- A rainbow is usually seen after a heavy rain. 大雨之后常有彩虹。
- We had a difference of opinion (ie argued) over who had won. 我们在究竟是谁获胜的问题上发生了争执。
- Additional stars in Orion are sprinkled throughout the image in a rainbow of colors. 猎户座中的其他恒星喷射出遍及画面的彩虹般色彩。
- Bundled in a rainBow of Blankets, a wide-eyed toddler sits on her mother's lap, munching a cookie. 一个眼睛瞪得圆圆的小孩身上裹着五颜六色的毛毯,坐在母亲的膝上,大口地嚼着小甜饼。
- Now let us synthesize the entire field into a rainbow of tones from the densest to the lightest in nature. 现在让我们从最深到最浅将整个能量场合成为一条彩虹。
- The tiny arachnid, found in Australia, shows off a rainbow of colours to impress nearby females. 这只在澳大利亚的小蜘蛛,向附近的雌性炫耀其华丽的色彩。
- I offered her a range of opinions. 我向她提供了一系列看法。
- Its wide leather sling was thick with embroidery,and its muzzle was decked with a rainbow of parrot-bright feathers. 宽大的皮革枪带上绣满了美丽的图案,枪口上还装饰着七彩鹦鹉的靓丽羽毛。
- An exchange of opinions is helpful. 相互交换意见是有益的。
- To have sight of such a rainbow. 亮丽缤纷的彩虹。
- For it is the human ascending initiate that programs the alter to orchestrate a rainbow of synthesis and not our kingdom. 因为,是人类提升者而不是我们,编程了圣坛来组合成一条合成彩虹。
- There is a concurrence of opinion between them. 他们的想法一致。
- Crystal Effects features beautiful polarized macro photography of growing ice crystals with kaleidoscopic effects in a rainbow of colors. 水晶效果功能微距摄影美丽的两极分化日益冰晶与千变万化的影响彩虹的颜色。