- In this matter, we have reached a point of no return. 这件事已经是箭在弦上,不得不发了。
- If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return. 如果你试图让对方改变信仰,或者在一些,如堕胎这样的敏感问题上说服对方,那你以后想要改变观点也不行了。
- We're at the point of no return in this business. 我们在这笔交易上处于只能进不能退的局面。
- We've passed the point of no return. 我们已越过了不归点。
- A monk reaches the point of no return on the day he makes his vows. 一旦哪天削发为僧,和尚就不能再还俗了。
- Belshazzar had reached the P.N.R.- the point of no return. 神己经到了祂忍耐的极限,不能让他再继续胡作非为。
- The arrow is already on the string;it must happen;a point of no return 箭在弦上
- He did not wish to drive the crisis beyond the point of no return. 他并不希望把危机推到无可挽回的地步。
- Financially, that country has passed the point of no return. 从金融角度看,该国已经越过了极限点,有去无回了。
- I make a point of giving a hand to others. 我一定对别人伸出援助的手。
- The meeting is adjourned on a point of order. 因争论议事程序问题休会。
- I always make a point of giving a hand to others. 我始终认为帮助别人是重要的。
- She made a little sound of alarm as we stepped on,but we'd passed the point of no return. 我们迈上扶梯时,她轻轻地尖叫了一声。然而,既然我们已踏上了扶梯,也就不能再回头了。
- a point of no return n. 航线临界点;只能进不能退的地步
- Fear is withering the soul At the point of no return We must be the change we wish to see! 在没有归路的顶峰,恐惧正在摧毁灵魂,我们必须改变心中所愿,去看!
- John made a point of thanking his hostess before his leaving. 约翰在离去前特意向女主人道谢。
- When Dani tries to prove his real love for Paz, their lies are at the point of no return. 可惜平静生活却因接二连三的谋杀案而起变化。
- She make a point of send a birthday present to her best friend. 她特意为她最好的朋友寄去了生日礼物。
- Once the material enters a hole, it is gone for good;the so-called event horizon demarcates the point of no return. 物质一旦进入黑洞,它将永远消失;所谓的事件视界(eventhorizon)就标示著这个消逝点。