- The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday. 昨天拆除核后处理工厂引起了放射物泄漏。
- a nuclear reprocessing plant 核物质再处理厂
- They are scheduled to visit a five-megawatt reactor, a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the Yongbyon nuclear complex. 按计划他们要在宁边核基地参观一个五兆瓦特的反应堆、一个核燃料制作工厂和一个核燃料回收工厂。
- Bushings must be taken to a reprocessing plant. 套管必须送到再生工厂。
- They decided to establish a nuclear power station. 他们决定修建一所核电站。
- One who prepares a nuclear weapon for release. 核武器专家为核武器发射做准备的人
- An atomic or a nuclear bomb. Used with the. 原子弹原子弹或核弹。与the连用
- It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur. 我们若竟让核武器大屠杀的惨剧发生,简直是匪夷所思。
- Many people are worried by the possibility of a nuclear accident. 许多人都很担心怕可能发生核事故。
- Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, a nuclear power plant. 哈纳蒸汽电站,一座核电厂。
- Support insulators must be taken to a reprocessing plant. 支柱绝缘子必须送到再生工厂。
- The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war. 整个世界都会受到核战争的波及。
- It is unthinkable that we should allow a nuclear holocaust to occur. 我们若竟让核武器大屠杀的惨剧发生,简直是匪夷所思。
- Widespread fallout from a nuclear explosion. 核爆炸后散布很广的放射性坠尘
- A nuclear submarine armed with ballistic missiles. 装备有弹道导弹的核潜艇
- Because other elements of a weapons program, such as a plutonium reprocessing plant, had not been detected, US intelligence was less certain that the plutonium was for nuclear weapons, they said. 由于武器计划的其它组成部分,如钚回收厂,未被发现,美国情报部门不能肯定钚会被用于核武器。
- The Japanese are building a major nuclear reprocessing center to reclaim plutonium from spent nuclear fuel rods. 日本人在建立一个核回收中心,以从废弃核燃料棒中获取重要的核武器原料----钚。
- The whole world will be affected by a nuclear war. 整个世界都会受到核战争的波及。
- A nuclear holocaust can lay waste to the world. 一次核武器的大屠杀可以格世界夷为一片废墟。
- "They further stated that from here on the IAEA inspectors will have no further access to the reprocessing plant. 他们还表示,从现在开始,国际原子能机构检查人员不再能够进入这个设施。”