- Little Tom gave him a kick in the behind. 小汤姆在他屁股上踢了一脚。
- Mary worked hard to clean up John's room, but all she got for her trouble was a kick in the teeth. 玛丽辛辛苦苦把约翰的房间打扫干净,不料她所得到的却是一番侮辱。
- The boy gave him a kick in the shin. 那个男孩踢了一下他的棼骨。
- The Government's decision is a real kick in the teeth for the unions. 政府的决定是对工会的重大打击。
- I've come to give a hand, but all I get is a kick in the pants. 我本意是来帮忙的。但是,得到的却是意想不到的责备。
- A kick in the teeth may be the best thing in tthe world for you . 严重的挫折也许是你从世上得到的最好的东西。
- That damn thief deserves a real kick in the ass. 这可恶的小偷真该挨揍!
- All the needs is a kick in the seat of the pants to get him going. 要他动起来只有猛击他一拳才行。
- He deserves a good kick in the butt. 他真是欠踢了。
- I don't care very much for fruit drinks; I like something that has a kick in it. 我不大喜欢果汁一类的饮料; 我喜欢劲儿很足的东西。
- Mary worked hard to clean up John's room,but all she got for her trouble was a kick in the teeth. 玛丽辛辛苦苦把约翰的房间打扫干净,不料她所得到的却是一番侮辱。
- Maybe,just maybe,these students need a kick in the pants to work harder,not less. 可能这些学生需要有人督促,才能努力学习,其它方法没用。
- He was expecting a compliment,or at least an expression of gratitude,when all he got was a kick in the pants. 他认为会得到赞扬,或者至少是一句感谢的话,而所得到的却是意想不到的责备。
- There is not much kick in the cocktail. 这种鸡尾酒没有多少劲儿。
- a kick in the slats [俚]意想不到的斥责[非难]
- Eg. He was always late for work, so the manager decided to give him a kick in the pants and watch his performance. 他上班经常迟到,所以经理对他作出口头警告,并留意他的表现。
- He was always late for work, so the manager decided to give him a kick in the pants and watch his performance. 他上班经常迟到,所以经理对他作口头警告,并留意他的表现。希望大家会喜欢这个句子,我们下一期再见。
- He was expecting a compliment, or at least an expression of gratitude, when all he got was a kick in the pants. 他认为会得到赞扬,或者至少是一句感谢的话,而所得到的却是意想不到的责备。
- Implemented Kick in the Staging Area. 实现了删除集结地的功能。
- Maybe, just maybe, these students need a kick in the pants to work harder, not less. 可能这些学生需要有人督促,才能努力学习,其它方法没用!。