- He was inclined to give them a free hand. 他倾向于放手让他们干。
- The teacher had a free hand in his class. 教师在课堂上可以全权处理一切。
- My boss has given me a free hand in deciding which outside contractor to use. 老板已经给了我自主权,让我决定用哪家承包商。
- Bob put paint on the fence with a free hand. 鲍勃在篱笆上随意涂油漆。
- My boss have give me a free hand in deciding which outside contractor to use. 老板已经给了我自主权,让我决定用哪家承包商。
- I was given a free hand in designing the syllabus. 我获准全权制订教学大纲。
- My father gave me a free hand to handle it. 我的父亲叫我全权处理这件事。
- This gained him a free hand in Indo-China. 这样做可以使他在印度支那为所欲为。
- He gets a free hand though he's still in jail. 他虽仍在坐牢但他被允许自由行动。
- He helps poor people with a free hand. 他慷慨地帮助穷人。
- They gave her a free hand with the project. 他们让她全权处理这项工程。
- May always entertains visitors with a free hand. 梅招待客人一向大方。
- I have given him a free hand in the matter. 我让他在这件事情上放手干。
- The boss gave me a free hand in the management of his company. 老板放手让我去管理他的公司。
- I have given him a free hand in drawing up a scheme. 我让他全权自主制定计划。
- They were given a free hand to pursue the researches. 放手让他们进行研究工作。
- They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over. 他们给装修师全权来翻修他们的房子。
- Mr. Wilson had a free hand,which is what he wanted all along. 威尔逊先生得到机会自己作决定,这是他长期希望的事情。
- He' s given his brother a free hand to direct the business. 让他弟弟全权掌管他的业务。
- He's given his brother a free hand to direct the business. 让他弟弟全权掌管他的业务。