- I sat on a bale of straw near the fire. 我坐在炉火边的一捆稻草上。
- The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- a bale of yarn 一包纱
- Bale after bale of cotton, hank after hank of yarn are smooth and pleasant when made up into clothes or socks. But the process of turning the raw cotton into textiles is not so pleasant as wearing the finished products. 织成衣服的一缕缕纱,编成袜子的一根根的线,穿在身上都是光滑舒适而愉快的,可是从原棉制成这种纱线的过程,就不象穿衣服那样的愉快了。
- It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- A metal band around the bale of cotton. 捆绕棉包的金属带
- A graceful, elegantly-formed young man stood by her, carelessly leaning one elbow on a bale of cotton. 她身边站着一位文雅、大方、仪表俊秀的年青人,一只手肘潇洒地靠在棉花包上。
- It was a bed to end all beds,almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- The room Jacques and I occupied,though large,was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds,almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed.It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- The room Jacques and I occupied. though large. was dwarfed by an immense feather bed.It was a bed to end all beds. almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 我和雅克住的房间虽大.;但是一张巨大的
- A unit of fineness for rayon, nylon, and silk fibers, based on a standard mass per length of 1 gram per 9,000 meters of yarn. 丹尼尔测量纤维、尼龙或丝的光洁度的单位,每9,000米线重1克称作为丹尼尔。
- Loaded a bale of hay. 装一捆乾草.
- The kitten tangled the ball of yarn. 猫把线团儿弄乱了。
- The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber. 纤维是纱的基本结构单元。
- The kitten tangled the ball of yarn . 猫把线团儿弄乱了。
- What is the type of yarn used in your pink swatch? 你们的粉色坯布用的是什么类型的纱线?
- Bales of printed cottons made a feast for the eyes. 一包包印染的棉布,看了让人十分心喜。
- Use and heap headdress of yarn skills. 头饰的使用及堆纱的技巧。
- Enclosed please find an invoice for 100 bale of cotton fabric. 随函附上棉布100包发货票一份。