- Yanagihara Masayuki 柳原正之(1907-),日本人,官员。
- He won the 1907 Nobel Prize for literature. 他获得1907年诺贝尔文学奖。
- It equalled the 5-0 victory in December 1907. 1907年12月,红军也取得了对维拉5-0的大捷。
- Yutas: She's related to Masayuki, right? 犹他斯:她和雅之有亲戚关系,对吧?
- There were panics in 1873, 1884, 1893 and 1907. 1873年、1884年、1893年和1907年均有银行恐慌发生。
- It was admitted as the 46th state in 1907. 它于1907年被接纳为美国的第46个州。
- Dandong Port went into operation in 1907. 丹东港1907年开埠。
- In case you don't remember, my name is Masayuki Chigusa. 可能你们记不得我的名字,我的名字是千种昌之。
- The two groups did not always live in peace before 1907. 1907年以前,这两个集团不是始终和平共处的。
- Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was born in York, England, in 1907. 奥登(1907-1973)1907年生于英国约克镇。
- Then, a kind of simple safe chatelaine appeared, won patent 1907. 于是,一种简单的安全腰带出现了,并在1907年获得了专利。
- The Frenchman Paul Cornu made the first manned flight in 1907. 1907年法国人科尔尼研制了第一架载人直升机。
- Hungarian regulations concerning industrial designs date back to 1907. 匈牙利立法中有关工业设计的保护可以追溯到1907年。
- Audion: Elementary radio tube developed by Lee De Forest (patented 1907). 三极检波管:由美国的德福雷斯特所发明(1907年获专利权)的一种基本的电子管。
- Rachel Carson was born on May Twenty-Seventh, 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. 里查·卡而森1907年5月27日出生在宾夕法尼亚州的斯不林戴尔。
- Anna Jarvis conceived the idea of a national day to honour all mothers in 1907. 1907年,安娜.;加维斯萌发了一个想法--应在全国有一个纪念所有母亲的日子。
- In 2004, Masayuki Otaki from Japan was the victor , running 679 laps, equivalent to 271.75 km. 2004年的优胜者是来自日本的大泷雅之,他总共跑了271.;75千米,相当于679圈。
- Unable to bear Zaizen's endless excuses to shun his responsibility, Yanagihara yells aloud from the public gallery that Zaizen is making false testimony. 到法庭听审的柳原听到财前把责任推到自己身上,忍无可忍,终于站起来大喊,指出财前一直以来所说的都是谎言。
- Masayuki Sumida, a professor at the Institute for Amphibian Biology at Japan's Hiroshima University, bred the frog to be a humane learning tool. 因为这种透明的青蛙能够让研究人员无需进行解剖就观察到它的内脏器官、血管和卵细胞。
- Ytas:At first, she just accepted her Onmyouji job to advise other wives, from a sense of obligation towards her husband, Masayuki. 犹:起初,出于对丈夫雅之的责任感,她接受了指导其它太太的阴阳师的工作.