- Yagi Tetsuo 八木铁男(1924-),日本人,法学教授。
- Nagai Tetsuo, Kunimura Shogo, Sun J. 国家电力公司成都勘测设计研究院。
- Yagi was born 1968 in Okinawa, Japan. He started making manga in 1990. 1968年出生于冲绳,已经不年轻了......似乎漫画经历从1990年开始?
- Tetsuo Yonezawa.Methane Hydrate Research in Japan [J].FIREin TheICE,2003(2):8. 曾繁彩;吴琳;何拥军;国外天然气水合物调查研究综述[J].;海洋地质动态;2003;19(11):19-23
- Yagi, M., Kajino, M., Matsuo, U., Ashitani, K., Kita, T., Nakamura, T., (1983), Odour problems in Lake Biwa. 陈佳郁(2005)臭氧与氯对水中微生物杀菌效率之评估,国立台湾大学环境卫生研究所硕士论文。
- Just when the filming was about to begin, Yamada's longtime cinematographer Takaba Tetsuo passed away suddenly. 此时,山田组的摄影师高羽哲夫在开拍影片前时突然离世,令山田大受打击。
- Pingou is east of Beijing, When Yagi points to North america Beijing is to the side of the Yagi. 噪声是大问题。山村庄是在北京东边。北部点八木天线。北京是八木天线的边。
- Yagi calculated that the energy level of the China quake was 30 times that of the one that struck Kobe. 佑治计算出此次中国地震释放的能量相当于阪神地震的30倍。
- Tetsuo Kondo: Ph.D, Professor, Biomaterial Design Lab., Bio-Architecture Center, Kyushu University, 812-8581, Japan. 近藤哲男:教授,工学博士,农学博士,九州大学生物织构中心,生物材料设计实验室,日本812-8581。
- Yasushi kishimoto,Tetsuo Masubchi.Olefin hydrogenation catalyst:GB,2159819A[P].1985 -04-16. 贺小进;徐善生;李伟;等.;茂金属催化剂及其制备方法、应用和选择加氢方法:中国;1373008A[P]
- Yasushi kishimoto,Tetsuo Masubchi.Olefin hydrogenation catalyst:GB,2159819A[P].1985-04-16. 贺小进,徐善生,李伟,等.;茂金属催化剂及其制备方法、应用和选择加氢方法:中国,1373008A[P]
- Yagi Y,Ikeuchi K.Research in Japan on Omnidirectional Sensors and their applications[J].International Journal of Computer Vision,2004-03. 陈焱;杨东勇;沈正伟.;全方位图像展开成全景和透视图的实现方法[J]
- My antenna is a five-element Yagi for 15, 20 and 40 meters bands, a three-element Yagi for ten meters band which is homebrew. 我的天线在15m、20m和40m波段是一副五单元八木天线,在10m波段是一副自制的三单元八木天线。
- "The damage was very severe because the quake's epicenter was shallow, and the quake occurred in densely populated areas," said Yagi. 他表示除了分为两阶段、持续约两分钟的震动之外,仅6英里深的浅层震源才是地震毁灭性后果的罪魁祸首。
- Authorities at Asahiyama Zoo are taking the penguins on 500-yard walks on the snowy grounds twice a day, said zoo spokesman Tetsuo Yamazaki. 而动物园里的饲养人员正忙着给它们减肥,方法是加大企鹅们的运动量。
- Koro Shishido, Masao Sugiura, and Tetsuo Shoji,“Aspect of glass softening by master mold,” Proceedings of SPIE, v. 2536, pp. 421-433, 1995. 黄建溢,光学玻璃球面透镜热压成形研究,国立交通大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2004年6月。
- Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. 上集的铁男在废弃的钢铁厂中,集合一群壮汉试验人机合一的可能性,一家三口沦为白老鼠。
- Yagi S, Fukaya M, 1974. Juvenile hormone as a key factor regulating larval diapause of the rice sterm borer Chilo suppressalis. Appl. Entomol.Zool., 9: 247- 255. [王满囷;2000.;鞭角华扁叶蜂滞育机理的研究
- Basically, using the traditional configuration of the printed Yagi antenna, the mid-band gain or the F/R ratio cannot be improved without scarifying the other. 根据这些基本的探讨,将会提出设计印刷式八木天线之准则、探讨天线方向性、频宽与背向辐射比等性能,并提出简易的快速设计程序。
- In 2007, the descendant Yagi stayed away from tea after his wife died in an accident years ago which he believed is the deed of a curse by the black tea. 时至今日2007年,京都有个歇业已久的八木茶行,其主人八木圭即八木宗右卫门的后代。数年前某日,因妻子的意外过世,八木圭从此不再碰茶,并笃信八木家族深受 黑金茶 诅咒。