- Assist Logistics Mgr. for the work assignment. 协助物流经理进行日常工作安排。
- Other temporary work assigned by superior. 领导分配的其它临时任务。
- Other work assigned by line manager. 由直线经理分配的其他工作。
- Temporary work assigned by supervisors. 完成上级主管交办的临时工作。
- Temporary work assigned by the organization. 积极完成组织布置的其他临时性任务。
- She is not up to the work assigned to her. 她不胜任所干的工作。
- Do not slight over the work assigned you. 交给你办的事不可草草了事。
- Other work assigned by departmental manager. 部门经理安排的其它工作。
- Other ad hoc relative work assigned by superior. 根据现场需要需进行的其他工作.
- Other work assigned by the immediate supervisor. 倒班主管安排的其它工作。
- Other work assigned by the Project GM. 完成项目总经理安排的其它任务。
- Ensure conformity in Periodical Preventive Maintenance involve daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly &yearly work assignment of system. 系统性地安排周期预防性维修如每日、每周、每月、每季度、半年维修。
- Based on these results, the Prime Route for Terminal Tractors optimization engine selects the best work assignment for each available tractor and dispatches a work order. 根据这些结果,PrimeRoute for Terminal Tractors优化引擎会为每辆可用的拖车选择最佳工作分配并分派工单。
- Ability to prioritise and organise work assignments; delegate work. 能够有组织有顺序的完成分配的工作。
- The amount of work assigned to or expected from a worker in a specified time period. 工作量在特定的时间内分配给或期待从一个工人处得到的工作量
- Consummate all the work assigned by HR Manager in time. 完成人事经理安排的其他工作。
- Perform other work assigned by director or sales area manager. 区域销售经理或部长安排的其他工作。
- Be responsible for completion of other work assigned by DH. 完成领导临时交办的其他工作。
- Assist with superior and accomplish of work assigned by supevisor. 协助主管工作,积极完成上级分派的工作.
- Do you hope to be assign to work in country? 你希望分配到农村工作吗?