- 方特,C.G.M.(1919-) Carl Gunnar Michael Fant (1919~)
- (1835-1919)美国工业家和慈善家。 (1835-1919) American industrialist and philanthropist.
- 《巴黎航空公约》(1919) The Paris Aviation Covenant
- 书的基本论点可以追溯到1919-1920年冬天。 The fundamental thesis of this book goes back to the winter of 1919-20.
- 近代法国在华教会教育(1840-1919) French Parochial Education in Modern China
- (德国俾斯麦 当权时代的)第二帝国(1871-1919) the Second R-
- 它最终在1919-20年取缔牛肉托拉斯的凯歌声中恢复了生命力。 It finally came to life in 1919-20 in a victorious campaign to destroy the old Beef Trust.
- 实际上,除农业外,1919至1920年的战后景气华而不实。 Actually, the postwar boom of 1919-20 was more apparent than real except in agriculture.
- 不管1919到1920年这场大背叛的原因何在,其后果犹存。 Whatever the causes for the great betrayal of 1919-20, the consequence remained.
- 实际上,除农业外,1919至1920年的战后景气华而不实。 Actually, the postwar boom of 1919-20 was more apparent than real except in agriculture.
- 不管1919到1920年这场大背叛的原因何在,其后果犹存。 Whatever the causes for the great betrayal of 1919-20, the consequence remained.
- 银行的资本与公积金总额,从1919至1929年几乎增加百分之百。 Total bank capital and surpluses increased nearly 100 per cent from 1919 to 1929.
- 银行的资本与公积金总额,从1919至1929年几乎增加百分之百。 Total bank capital and surpluses increased nearly 100 per cent from 1919 to 1929.
- 凡尔赛和约((1919 年 6 月 28 日在此签订,结束第一次世界大战)) the Treaty of Versailles
- 全文按逻辑顺序展开,第一章研究了1919 年以前卡文迪什的发展状况。 It describes the development of Cavendish before 1919 in the first section.
- 威尔逊,也许还有大多数有思想的美国人,在1919与1920年时认识到这一事实。 Wilson and perhaps a majority of thoughtful Americans realized this fact in 1919 and 1920.
- 威尔逊,也许还有大多数有思想的美国人,在1919与1920年时认识到这一事实。 Wilson and perhaps a majority of thoughtful Americans realized this fact in 1919 and 1920.
- 利普斯科姆,小威廉·奴恩生于1919美国化学家。因对分子结构理论的贡献而获1976年诺贝尔奖 American chemist. He won a1976 Nobel Prize for his contributions to the theory of molecular structure.
- 1919 年5 月4 日,北京3000 多名学生聚集在天安门广场,抗议巴黎和会的无耻决定。 On May 4, 1919, more than 3000 students in Beijing gathered on the Tian'anmen Square to protest against the outrageous decision made By the Paris Peace Conference.
- 康宁安,默斯生于1919美国舞蹈家和编导,他的前卫作品包括方块游戏(1976年) American dancer and choreographer of avant-garde works, including Squaregame(1976).