- Her remarks were a typical case of sour grapes. 她说的话是典型的酸葡萄心理。
- RW: Give me an example of a typical case. 请给我举一个典型的例子。
- It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity. 这是典型的英国沙文主义和偏狭心理的事例。
- It's a classic case(= a very typical case)of bad planning. 这是计划不当的一个典型事例。
- Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is a typical case in this realm. 温州商会正是这一题域的典型对象。
- Pitt pure water infringement suit in 1996 is the typical case. 1996年的“碧纯”水侵权案就是典型的关联公司之间的诉讼。
- Methods Introduce the orthodontic methods through the typical case. 方法:结合典型病例介绍矫治方法。
- Be like the Zhuhai giant group with hep industry is a typical case. 如业界熟知的珠海巨人集团就是一个典型的案例。
- The "Volcano" disco is a typical case of the spatial types of disco. "火山"是迪斯科空间类型中的典型一例。
- The administration of Wen Wong, chief official of Shu Prefecture in West Han offers a typical case. 西汉蜀郡大守文翁的行事具有典型意义,可为研究者提供一个观察和分析的案例。
- Legal analysis of typical cases of medical disputes of China II. 中国典型医疗纠纷法律分析2。
- The following figure illustrates a typical case of forced service with possible data loss. 下图说明了一种进行强制服务的情况。
- This paper considers typical case in the engineering and applies analogous theory to set up testing model performed in a flume. 结合工程实践中的典型情况,应用相似比理论,建立起可在水槽中进行的试验模型。
- The successful example of Shanghai auto industry in the past ten years is a typical case of the " integration" concept. 本文对现代微电子学的“集成”概念作了哲学思维,引申了“集成”概念的外延,典型的例子就是过去十年里上海汽车工业发展的成功范例。
- In typical case, the access time is 1.35ns. The average and max power at 500MHz are 28.2mW and 84.6mW respectively. 在典型情况下,数据读取时间为1.;35ns,500MHz下平均功耗和峰值功耗分别为28
- He complains about my mistakes but he's always making errors himself; it's typical case of the pot calling the kettle black. 他抱怨我犯了错误,但实际上他自己也犯了同样的错误,这是典型的责人严而律己宽。
- More and more countries took part in the action of copyright cooperation. ELLE is a typical case. 越来越多的国家加入版权合作这一行列,ELLE就是一个很成功的例子。
- Cancer microarray expression classification is a typical case that has high dimensions and small samples. 摘要肿瘤表达谱分类是一个典型的高纬度小样本分类问题。
- This paper briefly discusses and analyses some typical cases in area of TGR. 文章对三峡库区二期地质灾害治理工程已发生的风险事件实例进行了简要阐述与分析。
- In typical cases the stools contain blood, mucus, and pus (dysentery). 在典型的病例中,患者的粪便含有血、粘液和脓液(痢疾)。