- The novel is sentimental twaddle. 这部小说纯粹是无病呻吟。
- I've never heard such utter twaddle! 我还从来没听过这么愚蠢透顶的话!
- What twaddle all these paradises are! 什么天堂,妄谈而已。
- I've never heard such utter twaddle ! 我还从来没听过这么愚蠢透顶的话!
- Don't try to palm off that twaddle about the Cause to me. 请不要拿出什么主义之类的废话来跟我胡聊了。
- This is all hopeless twaddle that I am saying about her. 我这样说她,那是全无希望的拙劣废话。
- They won't waste it listening to the interviewees' twaddle. 他们不会把时间浪费在应聘人的闲谈上。
- Being on high storey, he composes to twaddle his sad story. 少年不知愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。
- Now, commence with the idiotic, "the refs be bums" twaddle. 现在,开始避免“裁判是无业流民”这样白痴的事发生。
- They do nothing for it but talk a lot of twaddle two or three times a week. 他们什么也不干,只不过每星期讲两三次废话。
- I can talk the most superb twaddle for six hours by the clock, watch in hand. 我还可以一连六个钟点,手里拿着表,天花乱坠地大谈一通。”
- For such views or criticisms,which are not based on thorough investigation,are nothing but ignorant twaddle. 因为这种议论或批评,没有经过周密调查,不过是无知妄说。
- For such views or criticisms, which are not based on thorough investigation, are nothing but ignorant twaddle. 我们党吃所谓“钦差大臣”的亏,是不可胜数的。
- This twaddle about the Rue Blomet, Pamela, the barracks, the lancer, had passed before Marius like a dissolving view. 他罗罗嗦嗦说到的什么卜洛梅街、小家碧玉、兵营、长矛兵,象一串幢幢黑影似的在马吕斯的眼前掠过。
- For such views or criticisms, which are not based on thorough investigation, are nothing but ignorant twaddle . 我们党吃所谓“钦差大臣”的亏,是不可胜数的。
- Which means I am now delighted to announce that my 2008 Top Twaddle awards will go forward as usual. 这意味着我可以高兴地宣布:我的“2008最佳蠢话奖”(评奖)将继续举行。
- Unbelievably, this twaddle became the subject of serious discussion for a day or two. 搞笑的是,就这烂想法竟然作为会议主题被认真地讨论了几天。
- At the moment Hurley seems to be lying low, busying himself with no one knows what, with the result that Chiang Kai-shek has to talk twaddle before the People's Political Council. 到了今天,赫尔利不知在忙些什么,总之是似乎暂时地藏起来了,却累得蒋介石在参政会上说些不三不四的话。
- Every January, I hand out awards to the world’s top purveyors of business twaddle for outstanding achievement during the past 12 months. 每年一月,鉴于他们在过去12个月中的突出表现,我都要给世界最佳蠢话的提供者们颁奖。
- However, I have just looked in my 2008 twaddle cupboard and found, to my huge relief, that it is almost as well-stocked as usual. 但令人欣慰的是,检视“2008蠢话篓”后我发现:货源依旧充足。