- Tourism promotional materials 旅游宣传资料
- Further to our quotation of April10, we have sent our technical information and sales promotional materials. 除了四月十日的报价函之外,我们另外寄上本公司之技术资料及促销资料。
- Maintenance of stock level of shows promotional materials. 展会宣传资料的库。
- The admen are using balloon as promotional materials. 广告员正在把气球作为促销材料。
- Tourism promotion, with remarkable results. 旅游促销,成效显著。
- Print and recorded promotional materials of SparrowHawk APV Gyroplanes. 松雀鹰旋翼机的印刷及影视介绍.
- The admen is using balloon as promotional material. 广告商用气球作推销用的材料。
- But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market. 可是你们的促销材料要求这种声卡必须是市场上同类型产品中最便宜的。
- Further to our quotation of April 10,we have sent our technical information and sales promotional materials. 除了四月十日的报价函之外,我们另外寄上本公司之技术资料及促销资料。
- Promotional material from sister hotels when applicable. 必要时将携带其它饭店资料。
- The advertiser is using balloonas promotional material. 广告商用气球作推销用的材料。
- The advertiser is using balloon as promotional material . 广告商用气球作推销用的材料。
- Perhaps I could send you some promotional material on Hangzhou. 也许我可以给你寄一些介绍杭州的旅游资料。
- Geopark construction, geological tourism promotion and it's acceleration to the local economy! 建设地质公园,促进地质旅游,带动地方经济!
- Jim:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expe ive of their type on the market. 吉姆:可是你们的促销材料要求这种声卡必须是市场上同类型产品中最便宜的。
- I/We wish to receive any promotional material from HNZ. 本人/吾等愿意接收贵公司的推广资讯。
- I/We wish to receive any promotional material from HMA. 本人/吾等愿意接收贵公司的推广资讯。
- Members of the media and the travel trade are welcome to contact the Tourism Resource Centre of the HKTB for pictures for tourism promotion use. 大众传播媒介及旅游业界若需图片以作推广旅游业之用,请联络本局的旅游资源中心。
- I/We do not wish to receive any promotional material from HMA. 本人/吾等不愿意接收贵公司的推广资讯。
- He is also advisor to both the Ministry of Culture &Tourism and the Tourism Promotion Organization for Asia-Pacific Cities (TPO). 同时,他也是文化与旅游部的顾问,以及亚太城市旅游推广组织的咨询专家。