- 1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。 Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s.
- 1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。 Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s.
- 地密尔,C.B.(1881-1959) Cecil B. De Mille (1881~1959)
- 渣打银行100元钞票1959 100 Note of The Chartered Bank 1959
- 在1880年代中期,铝是半贵重金属,比银要稀少。 In the mid-1880s, aluminum was a semi-precious metal, scarcer than silver.
- 温道斯,A.O.R.(1876-1959) Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (1876~1959)
- 来到1880农场的游客可以住在其中一所房子里面。 Visitors to the 1880s' Ranch can stay in any of these places.
- 在1958到1959这年中,迁进了1万户人家。 In 1958-1959 10000 families moved in.
- 《所有国家的女人》选读(主要章节)版权不明.1880. Meyrick, A. S. Selections from Woman in All Lands. (Primary document.) Copyright unknown. 1880.
- 威耳逊,C.T.R.(1869-1959) Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869~1959)
- 维布伦,奥斯瓦尔德1880-1960美国数学家,以其在射影几何学以及拓扑学上的研究而闻名 American mathematician noted for his work on projective geometry and topology.
- 她1959 年第一次获选进入议会. She first got into Parliament(ie became an MP)in 1959.
- 但是,这是设法介绍现实主义趋向在Urdu小说里的Premchand 1880-1936。 However, it was Premchand 1880-1936 CE who tried to introduce the trend of realism in Urdu novel.
- 1959-1960年美国对古巴政策之原因初探 On the Reason of the Policy the United States Enforced to Cuba from 1959 to1960
- Brain Dyson 可口可乐首席执行官 1959-1994 Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises from 1959-1994
- 米克斯,托马斯·埃德温1880-1940美国电影演员,以其在西部无声片中的表演而闻名 American film actor noted for his performances in silent Westerns.
- 斯瓦尔特(1959)曾揭示浣熊能够携带潜伏的猪瘟病毒。 The raccoon was shown by Schwarte(1959)to be capable of carrying latent HCV
- 斯瓦尔特(1959)曾揭示浣熊能够携带潜伏的猪瘟病毒。 The raccoon was shown by Schwarte(1959)to be capable of carrying latent HCV.
- 两战中的任何一战;第一次是布尔人为独立与英国开战并放弃了英国的帮助去攻打祖鲁族人(1880-1881;第二次是奥林奇派自由洲和德兰士瓦省向英国 either of two wars: the first when the Boers fought England in order to regain the independence they had given up to obtain British help against the Zulus (1880-1881); the second when the Orange Free State and Transvaal declared war on Britain (1899-1902)
- 战后英国对欧洲建设的构想及其努力与受挫(1949-1959) The British proposition,effort and frustration on postwar European construction:1949-1959