- The next step for us to take is to set up a school. 我们下一步要建立一所学校。
- After seven days, it was time to take the next step: transplanting the scaffolds into living hearts. 七天后,是执行下一步骤的时候了:将支架移植回活体心脏。
- At the end of the argument,even those sympathetic to Lessig seemed reluctant to take the next step. 在争论结束时,甚至那些赞成Lessig的人也似乎对采取下一步措施表现的很为难。
- The second perception and once we can understand the reality of God is to take the next step that God is in control. 第二种看法,一旦我们理解到神的真实,就要进入下一步。
- At the end of the argument, even those sympathetic to Lessig seemed reluctant to take the next step. 在争论结束时,甚至那些赞成Lessig的人也似乎对采取下一步措施表现的很为难。
- Do you prod visitors along at appropriate points to motivate them to take the next step? 在销售过程中,你是否能在适当时间,促使访问者采取下一步行动呢?
- At certain time, I will take the next step to take care of this shameless 'hitman' and spammer. 在某一时代,我将会进一步去关注你这个不知羞耻的打手和香火腿。
- If you've tried out the skybox program from the downloads page, you're ready to take the next step: animated skyboxes. 你先试着看看这段天空体的演示程序(skyboxprogram),以为你的下一步做好铺垫:动态天空体。
- Now it's time for me to take the next step and develop myself further. (General manager) Uli Hoeness knows what a unique opportunity this is for me. 现在,我该准备下一步去关注我的未来。霍内斯先生(注:拜仁经理)知道这个机会对我来说是独特的。
- Allow that excitement to saturate your body to such an extent that you feel more alive and ready to take the next step of your journey. 让这种激动的感觉充满全身,直至你感到自己活跃起来,准备好为目标迈出下一步为止。
- While these measures help assuage transsexual identity issues, many transsexuals choose to take the next step and have sex reassignment surgery. 这些方法有助于缓和由变性欲者的身分引起的争议,但仍然有许多变性欲者选择更进一步的措施,做变性手术。
- I'd like to take the next downtown limousine. 我想搭下一班去市区的机场交通车。
- Steven Benner: If you can retain artificial genetic alphabet in the copying process, that means you have the ability to take the next step and make it self-sustaining. 他说道如果你能使人工基因进行自我复制,这意味接下来你就要让它自行成活。
- If Francis, James, Wells and Scola can fill those needs (and T-Mac's balky back holds up), the Rockets just might be able to take the next step in their quest. 如果弗朗西斯,詹姆斯,韦尔斯,斯科拉能够满足这些需要(再加上麦迪拿出做老大的气势),火箭就能在他们的前进道路上更进一步。
- To take the work to the next step, researchers needed a good way to isolate the cancer-forming cells.Until recently, “the whole thing languished,” said Dr.John E. 尽管许多科学家相信肿瘤细胞是永生的,可无限分裂和生长,多数还是会在分裂若干代后死亡。
- "The proteins are the first therapeutic to target cccDNA," she says."We've seen very good results so far with inhibition of the virus, and it's exciting to take the next step. 她说:"该蛋白是第一种针对cccDNA的疗法.迄今我们看到了抑制病毒的非常好的结果,我们热切期待进行下一步实验。”
- I was ready to take the next step in my career, and Cramer Berkowitz was ready to transform their trading desk from an execution platform to a legitimate revenue generator. 我准备迈出职业生涯中的下一步,而CramerBerkowitz对冲基金准备将其交易部门改造为强大的合法收入来源,而不再只是执行命令的平台。
- To take the next step. 然后再踏出下一步。
- With the experience and knowledge gained on the moon, we will then be ready to take the next steps of space exploration: human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond. 通过我们在月球上的经验和只是,我们将可以为我们下一步太空探险做好准备,如人类对火星的使命以及到未及的更广大的世界。
- A: I'd like to take the next downtown limousine. 甲:我想搭下一班去市区的机场交通车。