- To last permanently; endure. 持续;坚持
- The dull play seemed to last an eternity. 这场乏味的剧似乎演个没完没了。
- The pyramids were really built to last. 建造金字塔为的是要与日月齐光。
- He remained silent from first to last. 他始终缄口不言。
- We struck oil with the hotel we went to last year. 去年我们在所住的旅馆得到很好的享受。
- My mind flashed back to last Christmas. 我立刻回想起去年圣诞节的情景。
- We had barely enough money to last through the weekend. 我们的钱只能勉强维持到周末。
- Stephen is bound to last out at his only daughters' wedding. 斯蒂芬必定要在他独生女儿结婚时花一大笔钱。
- My horse came next to last (ie last but one) in the race. 我的那匹马在比赛中得了倒数第二名。
- We have barely enough money to last the weekend. 我们的钱勉勉强强能维持到周末。
- The assiciation between our two countries can be traced back to last century. 我们两国之间的往来可以追溯到上个世纪。
- These figures appertain to last year's sales. 这些数字指的是去年的销售额。
- She has been kind to everybody from first to last. 她一直对每个人很好。
- The money has to last for the rest of the month . 这些钱得维持这个月剩下时间的费用。
- The talk is due to last for three days . 这次会谈将进行3天。
- This food has to last you till next week. 这些食品你得吃到下个星期。
- We have enough food to last three days . 我们有足够维持3天的食粮。
- We have enough food to last us for four days. 我们有足够维持4天的粮食。
- It was New York City I paid a visit to last year. 我去年访问的是纽约市,而不是波士顿。
- This was rather violent exercise to last long. 这样剧烈的运动不可能持续太久。