- To compromise and appease 妥协绥靖
- Neither party is willing to compromise and herein lies the problem. 双方都不愿意妥协,问题就在这里。
- The former gives rise to the tendency to compromise and the latter to the tendency to underestimate the enemy. 前者产生妥协倾向,后者产生轻敌倾向。
- They found it wiser to compromise with her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。
- The nominal conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great to Christianity indeed led to compromise and apostasy. 康士坦丁大帝和基督教名义上的谈判;其实是引向妥协和叛教。
- Can President Obama, a man who will have to compromise and haggle, really live up to Phenomenon Obama, that mythical cipher for so many dreams? 必须妥协与周旋的总统奥巴马真能成为偶像奥巴马(欧剽窃楼上),成为人们梦想中的奇迹?
- The firm and headhunter may have to compromise to fill a position. 为了填补一个空缺的职位,客户和猎头公司往往需要相互协作。
- Film Editor: Oh yes.On average for every foot of edited film, you need twelve times as much unedited film and therefore you have to compromise and, of course, discard some of it. 是的.;对于那些未经编辑的电影;每一个步骤上花的的时间平均是经过编辑的12倍
- On average for every foot of edited film, you need twelve times as much unedited film and therefore you have to compromise and, of course, discard some of it. 平均每一个被编辑的电影脚本,你同样需要12分钟未被编辑的镜头,因此你不得不放弃,丢弃其中的一些。
- When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. 当群体力图去创新时,其成员会逼迫彼此作出妥协,这样,原本富有创造性的思想便遭到削弱,带上越来越浓的常规色彩。
- Meaning mediate a dispute and appease conflict. 调解纠纷,缓和矛盾。
- In addition,we point out the conditions necessary for the healthy tendencies and phenomena to prevail,and we strive to overcome the tendency to compromise and to change the state of corruption. 并指出后者实现的条件,为克服妥协倾向和转变腐败现象而努力。
- Let’s compromise and each pay half the damages. 让我们采取折中的办法,每人各赔一半的损伤费用。
- Malware ("malicious software") consists of software with clearly malicious, hostile, or harmful functionality or behavior and that is used to compromise and endanger individual PCs as well as entire networks. 恶意程序("恶意软件")包含明确、恶意软件、敌对、功能性或有害行为,或者采用折衷,危及个人电脑以及整个网络。
- I'm under an obligation not to compromise with her. 我有义务不同她妥协。
- In the Second World War, The United States' British and USSR went through the process from conflict to compromise and cooperation on the problem "open up the second battlefield in Europe". 摘要二战中,美英苏在开辟欧洲第二战场问越上经历了从立场冲突到妥协合作,直至成功实现诺曼底登陆的过程。
- He refuses to compromise his ideals. 他拒绝放弃自己的理想。
- Let's compromise and each pays the half damages. 我们折衷一下,各付一半损失费。
- The Downing Street has refused to compromise. 英国政府已经拒绝让步。
- These men were willing to compromise with Austria. 这些人愿意同奥地利妥协。