- "I am only a man. I'll fall down to the ground," Scrooge protested. 史克鲁奇抗议道:“我只是一个凡人,会摔到地上的。”
- I've found a job that suits me down to the ground. 我找到了一份工作,对我再合适不过了。
- All at once, we heard a shot and a soldier fell down to the ground. 突然,我们听到一声枪响,一个士兵倒在地下。
- Hiding in dense forest and high mountain, you talk lovers' endless prattle all the year round.The sweet words echo in the deep pond as the waterfalls fall down to the ground. 深山密林中的你们,像一对缠绵厮守着的情侣,终年不断地吐露着情丝,将这温泉的话语跌宕而下,在幽深的潭水中互诉衷肠。
- What causes an apple to fall to the ground? 什么使苹果落地呢?
- A man fell down to the ground from a truck because it picked up speed suddenly. 由于卡车突然加速,一个人从车上摔到地上。
- Having drunk a lot, he fell down to the ground after just a few steps. 他喝了很多酒,才刚走两步,就又栽倒在地上了。
- The bicycle toppled down to the ground. 自行车倒在了地上。
- The ground shelves down to the beach. 该地向海滩渐次倾斜。
- The aeroplane came down to the ground. 飞机降落到地面上。
- It is said that Wang Shifu fell down to the ground dead for he overtaxed his efforts to compose these lines. 据说王实甫在写到这几句时,因为构思辛苦,用尽心力,倒在地上死去。
- This job suits me down to the ground. 这份工作我非常满意。
- These houses were burnt down to the ground. 这些房子被烧毁。
- It arrived and came down to the ground. 飞机到达且下落到地面。
- They handed Grandma down to the ground floor. 他们搀扶老奶奶下楼到一楼去。
- You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去。
- If you met brown bear, falling down to the ground to pretend death. If it was the black bear, moving body actions obviously, and tried to make very loud sounds. 如果碰到棕熊,屈身在地上装死。如果是黑熊,夸大肢体动作,并且设法发出很多声音。
- How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt? 从三楼掉下而没有受伤,这怎么可能呢?
- He was knocked down to the ground, bereft of sense. 他被击倒在地,失去了知觉。
- Mary's new job suits her down to the ground. 玛丽的新工作非常适合她。