- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- Tibetan culture and language has to be practiced in all Tibetan areas. 在整个藏区必须实施和使用西藏的文化和语言。
- Precious historic pictures, Tangkas and antiques present a showcase of unique Tibetan culture for you. 逾千张西藏不同历史时期的珍贵图片、卡和文物,将向你展示绵延千年的西藏独特灿烂文化,带你一同探究一个真实的西藏。
- Tibetan culture has all along been a dazzling pearl in the treasure-house of Chinese culture as well as that of the world as a whole. 藏民族文化至今仍然是中华文化和世界文化宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。
- March 2001,"Monograph on Tibetan Culture at Jiuzhaigou"published by Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House. 2001年3月,出版学术专著《九寨沟藏族文化散论》,四川民族出版社出版。
- Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language, medicine, art and history. 进一步兴办藏语言文字、藏医学、藏族艺术、藏族历史等藏族文化系科(专业)、学校。
- Animal's name is the name of the tribe, which is a strange white Tibetan culture phenomenon. 动物的名字就是部落的名称,这是白马藏族一种奇特的文化现象。
- A fascinating mixture of the Han and Tibetan cultures and arts. 布达拉宫是汉藏文化艺术的结晶。
- Tibetan culture is a lustrous pearl of Chinese culture as well as a precious part of world culture. 西藏文化是中华文化中的一颗璀璨明珠,也是世界文化中的一份宝贵财富。
- The issue is the 6m Tibetan people's wellbeing, their right, and the Tibetan culture, these things. 问题在于,600万西藏人民的幸福,他们的权利,以及西藏文化,等等。
- He accuses Beijing of oppressing his people and trying to exterminate Tibetan culture. 他指责北京方面压迫藏民并试图消灭藏文化。
- Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language,medicine,art and history and so on . 进一步兴办藏语言文字、藏医学、藏族艺术、藏族历史等藏族文化系科(专业)、学校。
- Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language,medicine,art and history. 进一步兴办藏语言文字、藏医学、藏族艺术、藏族历史等藏族文化系科(专业)、学校。
- Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language, medicine, art and history and so on . 进一步兴办藏语言文字、藏医学、藏族艺术、藏族历史等藏族文化系科(专业)、学校。
- Supported cultural exchange with the China Tibetan Cultural Week in Hong Kong. 捐款支持雪域明珠中国西藏文化周,促进中港文化交流。
- Phuntsok Namgyal, the director of TCV, says their main objective is to give the children a firm grounding in Tibetan culture, religion and language. 西藏儿童村主任方守克说,他们主要的目标是给孩童们一个有西藏文化、宗教和语言的地方。
- If they really want to preserve and improve Tibetan culture and language, they should withdraw all the Chinese people living in Tibetan areas. 如果他们真的想保护和发展西藏的文化和语言,他们就应该把生活在藏区的汉人都撤走。
- Then, [regarding the] Tibetan culture, our basic aim of the struggle is preservation of Tibetan Buddhist culture, that is [a] peaceful culture. 然后纵观西藏文化,我们反抗的主要目标是要去保存我们的佛教文化,那是和平的文化。
- The religion and complecated histroy make this nationality very misterious even nowaday, Tibetan culture is also fresh and strange to other people. 西藏的宗教和复杂的历史使得这个民族到现在还是很神秘,他的文化对于人们来说也是充满了新奇。
- Here the writter want to elaborate the influence of Mongolian and Tibetan culture on the reformation of written Mongolian language. 本文中作者主要阐述以佛教为纽带的蒙藏文化关系及其对蒙古文字改革所起到的影响。