- Building the New Socialist Countryside in Tianjin Municipality: How to Measure It? 天津市社会主义新农村建设考核评价研究?
- The fourth round has been completed by and large in Fujian,Hebei and Heilongjiang provinces,the inner Mongolian Autonomous Region and Tianjin Municipality. 福建、河北、黑龙江、内蒙古、天津等盛自治区、直辖市已基本完成第四次村委会换届选举。
- Source:Tianjin Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau. 资料来源:天津市水利局。
- The fourth round has been completed by and large in Fujian, Hebei and Heilongjiang provinces, the inner Mongolian Autonomous Region and Tianjin Municipality. 福建、河北、黑龙江、内蒙古、天津等盛自治区、直辖市已基本完成第四次村委会换届选举。
- The Gaoyuzhuang Formation of Mesoproterozoic at Jixian section in Tianjin Municipality is a set of about 1600 m thick carbonates strata and includes four members. 摘要天津蓟县剖面中元古界的高于庄组为一套厚度约1600m的碳酸盐岩地层,包括4个段:第1段以潮坪相叠层石白云岩为主;
- Tianjin Municipality is generally flat, and swampy near the coast, but hilly in the far north, where the Yanshan Mountains pass through the tip of northern Tianjin. 天津市地形平坦,靠近海岸的区域为沼泽区域。但北部为丘陵地带,燕山山脉从天津北部穿过。
- This paper is aimed at introducing its authors' discussion on the Random Walk Model to simulate the regional atmospheric pollutant dispersions in Tianjin municipality sphere. 应用随机游动扩散模拟方法,并结合天津市的实际气象数据,对某区域的大气污染扩散情况进行了模拟计算。
- Haihe Tourism Festival and International College Student Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament is one of the 20 main activities of Tianjin Municipality this year. 本届海河旅游节暨国际大学生龙舟赛是今年天津市政府20件实事内容之一。
- the City of Tianjin; Tianjin municipality 天津市
- Member of cential Party politics bureau and Tianjin Municipal party secretary came to inspet our school. 中共中央政治局委员、天津市委书记张立昌来校视察。
- Wen Wenjuan, 52, female, graduated from university, ever worked in Tianjin Municipal Judicial Bureau. She is good at civil and economical cases, etc. 温文娟,52岁,女,大学毕业,曾在市司法局工作,擅长民事、经济案件业务。
- Tianjin municipal government to identify real estate construction commission to the Ministry of Construction warning ACIS lead units. 天津市政府确定市建委为建设部房地产预警预报信息系统的牵头单位。
- The purchase and sale of waste plastics industry, mainly reproduction processing, the product sold to Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, etc. 17. 该行业以废旧塑料购销、加工再生产为主,产品销往浙江、江西、辽宁、京津等17个省市。
- No, you do not have to change till Tianjin. 不需要,直到天津才需要换车。
- The municipality has/have closed the swimming pool. 市政当局已关闭了那个游泳池。
- Where did you go: to Tianjin or to Beijing? 您去了哪里?天津还是北京?
- Foreign guests attending the forum jointly sponsored by the Tianjin municipal government and Business Week of the United States included former US president George Herbert Walker Bush, former Australian prime minister Edward Hawke and WTO officials. 2002天津·《商业周刊》论坛是由天津市政府和美国《商业周刊》共同主办的。出席论坛的外宾有美国前总统布什、澳大利亚前总理霍克、世界贸易组织候任总干事素帕猜等。
- Member of cential Party politics bureau and Tianjin Municipal party secretary listened to the report from headmaster Zhang Zhixin on preventing and avoiding SARS work and gave an important indication. 天津市委书记张立昌听取张之鑫校长汇报学校防空非典工作并作重要指示。
- Member of cential Party politics bureau and Tianjin Municipal party secretary, Liu Shengyu, Deputy Secretary of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, inspected the construction of our model high school with other leaders. 市委书记张立昌,市委副书记刘胜玉等领导来我校审定示范高中建设方案视察。