- This they did with enthusiasm. 他们尽情玩了个够。
- What hould they do with thi extra income? 他们应该如何处理这些额外的收入呢?
- They do not know what to do with the garbage here. 他们不知道该怎么处理这里的垃圾.
- A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this album as they do with every U2 album. 事实上,很多人对这张专辑真可谓望穿秋水,一如像其等待U2的其他各张专辑那样。
- They didn't know what to do with themselves for joy. 他们高兴得不知道怎们办好。
- Vernon: Ugh! Sounds horrible. What do they do with it then? 威尔南:唷,听起来很可怕。然后要用堆肥做什麽?
- You better bet they do with THESE mumps.These mumps is different. 你不妨打个赌,对这样的流行性腮腺炎,人家是要整夜守着的。
- Mitnick: I am sure there are a lot of people doing this they don't catch. 米特尼克:我相信有很多从事类似活动的人被没有被有关部分抓获。
- Mrs. Medlock: What did they do with you in India? Carry you around in a basket? 梅德洛克夫人:他们为什麽在印度的时候会这麽帮你?把你放在篮子里带来带去吗?
- "I've often wondered what they do with all their dirty old rags," said Dhilpot. “我真不知道他们要那些肮脏陈旧的破烂贷干什么用,”菲尔波特说。
- We were received with enthusiasm. 我们受到热烈的欢迎。
- This is a team with enthusiasm and elegance.? 整个团队是一支热情高雅的团队。
- The poor beasts were so tormented by flies that they didn't know what to do with themselves. 这些可怜的畜生叫苍蝇折磨得不知如何是好。
- They were burning with enthusiasm to tour the city. 他们兴致勃勃地急着要去浏览城市。
- I used to think that Americans had so much money they didn't know what to do with it. 从前我老以为美国人都好有钱,却不知道该怎么花。
- John was bubbling over with enthusiasm in the whole trip. 整个旅途中约翰都是兴高采烈的。
- They don't want to take a hand in this matter. 他们不想参与这事。
- I can make do with this handbag for some time. 我这个提包还可以应付一阵子。
- His speech fired the crowd with enthusiasm for the new plan. 他的演讲激起了大众对新计划的热情。
- This they do on a very large scale. and are quite content to let their efforts directed toward a given individual continue for many years. 以致多年来不断地从个人中得到广泛而有价值的情报。?