- Their infection is inactive. 它们的感染处于非活动状态。
- The infection is at last responding to medication. 药物治疗终于开始对感染显出效果。
- This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes. 这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。
- Unlike oxygen, the element nitrogen is inactive. 与氧不同,元素氮不活泼。
- The muted track dims to indicate it is inactive. 屏蔽轨迹颜色变浅表示它没激活。
- This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics. 这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药性。
- This tells you an infection is on its way. 咽喉肿痛是感染发生的信号。
- Thrown if the transaction in the target object is inactive. 如果目标对象的事务为非活动状态则抛出。
- Disabled -The port is inactive and does not participate in STP. 失效-端口未激活或没有参与STP。
- The risk of infection is slight. 没有传染的风险。
- For now, the Sage Tree is inactive and completely motionless. 现在,让贤者树是静止的,完全不动。
- Acerb wet verrucous infection is very fast! 尖锐湿疣感染很快!
- The infection is mixture infection. 感染类型以厌氧菌为主的混合感染。
- Viral infection is its main etiology. 病毒感染是其主要病因之一。
- The infection is usually subclinical. 感染多表现为亚临床感染。
- The High Priestess is inactive, passive, allowing things to take their own path. 高尚的女教士是不活跃的,被动的,允许事物掌控他们自己的道路。
- It would also mean fewer infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others. 它也意味着可以减少感染的病人传染给别人。
- Almost immediately the infection is gone and the mice recovered. 传染病几乎立刻痊愈了,老鼠又复原了。
- Those treated later in the course of their infection had lower life expectancy than those treated early on. 那些在病程进展中较早得到治疗的患者比那些较晚得到治疗的患者预期寿命长。
- The risk of infection is appreciably higher among children. 受到感染的危险性在儿童中要高得多。