- The wait operation timed out. 等待的操作过时。
- Operation timed out before any of the wait handles were signaled. 指示在任何等待句柄终止之前。
- If the signal completed but the wait timed out. 如果信号发送完成,但等待超时,则为。
- Derivative that is thrown if the wait times out. 派生类,它在等待超时后即被抛出。
- To indicate the timer is reset every time the wait operation completes until the wait is unregistered. 表示每次完成等待操作后都重置计时器,直到注销等待。
- The wait operation is performed by a thread from the thread pool. 此等待操作由线程池中的一个线程来执行。
- If the function did not dequeue a completion packet because the wait timed out, GetLastError returns WAIT_TIMEOUT. 如果函数由于等待超时而未能出列完成包,GetLastError返回WAIT_TIMEOUT.
- The operation time of this order is very short. 指令的执行时间很短。
- Indicates that the task timed out. 指示任务已超时。
- The redirector has timed out a request to %2. 转发程序对于%252的请求已超时。
- The request was timed out waiting for a gateway. 请求在等待网关时超时。
- The submit operation has timed out. 提交操作已经超时。
- The porter ushered us into the waiting room. 服务员把我们引进了候车室。
- Our team asked for time out to discuss a new plan. 我队要求暂停,以便商讨新的对策。
- Cowboys spend most of their time out of doors. 牛仔大部分时间都是在户外度过的。
- Many passengers are waiting in the waiting room. 许多旅客都等在候车室内。
- The wait setting could not be accessed. 未能访问该等待设置。
- It took a lot of time out of the editing process. 这就不需要花大量时间进行编辑。
- Most people can't psychologically handle the wait. 大部分人在心理上不愿意等待。
- Want us to wave the white flag? Call a time out? 要我们挥白旗投降?叫暂停?