- The mint coins new dollars. 造币厂铸造新币
- The mint coins millions of nickels and dimes each year . 造币厂每年都要铸数以百万计的分币和角币。
- The mint coins millions of nickels and dimes each year. 造币厂每年都要铸数以百万计的分币和角币。
- And with the formation of the merchant class came also the development of metallic money, the minted coin, a new instrument for the domination of the non-producer over the producer and his production. 随着它,出现了金属货币即铸币,随着金属货币就出现了非生产者统治生产者及其生产的新手段。
- The mint coins millions of nickels and dimes each year 造币厂每年都要铸数以百万计的分币和角币。
- The mint have decide to issue the coin next year. 这家造币厂已决定明年发行硬币。
- The Mint has decided to issue the coins next year. 这家造币厂已决定明年发行硬币。
- The act or process of minting coins. 铸币铸币的过程或行为
- The bank coins new silver coins. 银行铸造新银币。
- Of or belonging to the mint family Labiatae. 唇形科的属于唇形科的或与之有关的
- A letter or symbol on a coin that identifies the mint of origin. 铸币厂印记硬币上的一个用来指明铸币来源的字母或符号
- He was as crisp as a new dollar bill-as clean, sharp, firmly limned. 他就象一张崭新的钞票一样利落--一样干净,鲜明,一丝不苟。
- A similar coating, as on newly minted coins. 涂抹粉霜类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币。
- The mint is so naughty and out of control. 顽皮的薄荷又在麻包袋中跑出来.
- These pennies were coined at the mint in London. 这些便士钱币是伦敦一家制币厂铸造的。
- Scientists are always coining new words. 科学家老是在造新字。
- However since Han Dynasty, the ranaway inflation mostly took place in the past feudalism dynasty while publishing a copper to mint coins with the usage . 然而自汉代以来,历代封建王朝在发行和使用铜铸币时大多发生过恶性通货膨胀。
- Appreciation would mean that these countries accumulated new dollar reserves at a slower pace. 升值将意味着,这些国家以缓慢的速度积累了新的美元储备。
- America's new dollar policy may be less absurd than its old one, but it is still a bit of a muddle. 新的美元政策也许会比旧的政策更为合理,但也同样有点令人迷惑不解。
- Since1979, the mint has pioneered high-purity Maple Leaf bullion coins, selling about20 million ounces of them around the world. 自从1979年推出高纯度枫叶金币以来,加拿大皇家制币厂已经售出20万盎司的金币。