- The deposit is refunded on return of the vehicle. 押金于归还车辆时退还。
- The deposit is refundable. 保证金可以归还。
- The deposit is an alkali-feldspar granite type Ta deposit. 该矿床为碱性长石花岗岩型钽矿床。
- The deposit is a mesothermal-low temperature deposit. 矿床属于中低温热液矿床。
- This deposit is refundable upon leaving provided there is no damage to any property. 此押金在离校之日如没有造成财产损坏是可退还。
- The entrance fee is refundable if you purchase5 worth of goods. 如果购买价值5英镑的货物,入场费可退还。
- The deposit is $40, is non-refundable if everything is as planned. 定金是40元,如果计划没有改变,将是不能退回的。
- If the deposit is on the inside of the c, the macrostress is tensile. 如果沉积层是处于C形的内面,宏观应力是拉伸型的。
- It is considered that the deposit is an anatectic migmatite corundum deposit. 研究认为,本矿床应属深熔型混合岩化作用成因,即“混合岩型”刚玉矿床。
- The deposit is a typical sedimentary-diagenetic silver-copper sandstone. 该矿床为典型的沉积成岩成因砂岩砾岩型银铜矿。
- The deposit is contained in the predominantly calc-silicate upper part of the corella formation. 矿床位于科雷拉岩系上部主要为钙质-硅酸盐类的岩层中。
- The deposit of bags is not free here. 这里存包不是免费的。
- Part of the expenses will is refund. 一部分费用可报销。
- If the registrant opts not to register the name, registration is withdrawn, the deposit fee is refunded and the name is made available to for registration again. 根据ICANN的规定,但是,注册人给予5天的"宽限期" ,从他的初次登记,以考虑他是否打算举行,以该人的姓名或不是。
- The deposit is concentrated at the bottom of the embayment with highgrade dissemination at a higher elevation above it. 矿体集聚在凹陷的底部,而在其较高位置才有较高品级的浸染状矿石。
- The deposit is of large scale of mineralization, but the reserves of gold are small and so is the depth of mining. 该矿床矿化规模巨大,但已发现的金矿储量不大,矿体开采深度也较小。
- The entrance fee is refundable if you purchase 5 pounds goods. 如果购买价值5英镑的货物,入场费可退还。
- The validity of deposit is two years and the deposit is unrefundable after expiration. 储值金有效期2年。储值费用交纳后概不退还。
- The deposit is genetically of hypothermal type.Ore_forming solutions have abundant acidulous water and mephitic air. 成矿溶液属于气成高温热水溶液,且富含大量碳酸或碳酸气。
- Overpayment of a tax is refundable at the end of the year. 多付出的税金年底可以偿还。