- The bathtub is dirty. 浴缸是脏的。
- A: The bathtub is large enough for two people. 这个浴缸很大,足够两个人同时使用了。
- The drainage of the bathtub is clogged. 浴缸的排水堵住了。
- The bathtub is large enough for two people. 这个浴缸很大;足够两个人同时使用了.
- The bathtub is filling twice as fast as it is draining. 即注入浴缸的速度比从浴缸排放的速度快两倍。
- The gauze patch applied to his wound is dirty. 裹在他伤口上的纱布脏了。
- The pillowcases in my room are stained and the bathtub is not clean. 房间的枕套是脏的 ,浴盆也是脏的。
- She pulled the plug out of the bathtub and the dirty water ran away. 她把浴缸的塞子拔掉,脏水流走了。
- The bathtub is overflowing. 浴缸里的水满得溢出来了。
- One fifth of the water is dirty. 五分之一是脏水。
- Soaking in the bathtub is a nightly custom for many in Japan, where trips to hot-spring resorts are a popular pastime. 对日本许多人来说,泡在澡缸里是夜晚的一个习俗;而去热温泉胜地是一项受欢迎的消遣活动。
- The box that you put it in is dirty. 你放东西的那个盒子很脏。
- The bathtub drain needs repairing. 浴盆的排水管需要修理。
- There is a fork on the tin. The fork is dirty. 罐头上有一把叉子。这把叉子是脏的。
- The water in the bathtub overflows and is wasted. 澡盆中的水漫溢出来,白白浪费了。
- A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best. 即使是在最好的条件下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险的。
- That shirt is dirty, here is a clean one. 那件衬衣脏了,这里有件干净的。
- Clean out the bathtub when you are done. 洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净。
- It is dirty bird that fouls its own nest. 脏鸟多污窝。
- We don't allow swimming in the bathtub. 我们不允许在浴缸里游泳。