- The Subcommittee received views from the Law Society of Hong Kong. 小组委员会接获香港律师会的意见。
- He is a member of The Law Society of England and Wales and The Law Society of Hong Kong. 彼是英国律师会及香港律师会会员。
- The Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the council of the service, which manages and administers its operations. 香港大律师公会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
- The Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the council of the service,which manages and administers its operations. 香港大律师公会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
- The Committee of Review is set up under section 26A of the Legal Aid Ordinance and is made up of the Registrar of the High Court and a representative each of the Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong . 覆核委员会乃根据《法律援助条例》(第91章)26A条设立,由高等法院司法常务官和香港大律师公会及香港律师会各派一名代表组成。
- Submission by the Law Society of Hong Kong 香港律师会提交的意见书
- Three programmes of legal assistance, jointly administered by the Law Society and Bar Association of Hong Kong, are subvented by the Government. 香港律师会与香港大律师公会合办的三项法律辅导计划,均由政府资助。
- Law Society of Hong Kong CPD Accreditation Sub-Committee 香港律师会持续专业发展评审附属委员会
- Discussions were held with the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society, and Council hoped to work towards this objective. 本局曾与香港大律师公会及香港律师会进行有关讨论,并希望能为实现这目标而努力。
- During the Mainland lawyers’ four-week secondment in Hong Kong, the Law Society arranged for them to participate in a number of activities and visit various government organisations. 内地律师在港进行为期四周的实习期间,香港律师会安排了一连串的活动,并参观不同的政府部门。
- LI Cheong is a member of Hong Kong Composers' Guild and Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH). 李昌是香港作曲家联会和香港作曲家及作词家协会会员。
- We will ensure equality before the law and provide an attractive environment for investors and the people of Hong Kong. 为香港市民及投资者提供良好的环境,确保在法律面前人人平等。
- Who is the Governor of Hong Kong? 香港总督是谁?
- The most popular course was'Journalism Symposium'97'jointly conducted by VTC,the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong,and the News Executives'Association. 其中最受欢迎的课程是“一九九七年新闻研讨会”,研讨会由职业训练局、香港报业公会及香港新闻行政人员协会合办。
- How long is the history of Hong Kong? 香港的历史有多远久?
- The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong represents Chinese and English newspaper proprietors. It is empowered to act in matters affecting the interests of its members. 中英文报章营办人可加入香港报业公会,凡影响会员权益的事件,该会均有权处理。
- The above terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the Law of Hong Kong. 以上细则及条款是根据香港法律制定并受香港法律管辖。
- The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. 香港联合交易所有限公司认股权证相关的股份。
- The most popular course was 'Journalism Symposium '97' jointly conducted by VTC, the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, and the News Executives' Association. 其中最受欢迎的课程是"一九九七年新闻研讨会",研讨会由职业训练局、香港报业公会及香港新闻行政人员协会合办。
- The Law Society of British Columbia 省的律师公会