- United States Navy Advisory Group 美国海军顾问团
- Navy Advisory Group 海军顾问团
- The advisory group has outlived its usefulness. 顾问组已失去了它的作用。
- IEEE technical advisory group for fiber-optic LANs. IEEE光纤局域网技术顾问组。
- IEEE technical advisory group on broadband LANs. IEEE宽带局域网技术顾问组。
- Joint chiefs of Staff - The principal military advisory group to the President of the United States, composed of the chiefs of the Army, Navy, and Air Force and the commandant of the Marine Corps. 美国总统的特别军事顾问团,由美国陆、海、空三军总司令,以及海军陆战队司令组成。
- Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment. 电子设备可靠性咨询机构。
- Advisory Group on Reliablility of Electronic Equipment. 电子设备可靠性咨询组。
- Doll is chairman of its Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation(Agnir). 多尔是该机构“非电离辐射顾问团”的主席。
- A three per cent sales tax was floated yesterday by a government advisory group to help broaden the tax base and keep finances on a healthy footing. 一个政府谘询小组昨日建议开徵三个百分点的消费税以扩阔税基及使财源有稳固的基础。
- The heads of the departments form the Cabinet, which is the highest advisory group to the President. 这些部门的首脑都来自内阁,而内阁是总统的最高顾问团体。
- International Search and Rescue Advisory Group, OCHA,UN. Guidelines for International Search and Rescue Response. 2004. 中国地震局赴欧洲地震灾害搜索与救援考察代表团访问报告.;2003(内部资料)
- To strengthen risk communication by the CHP, a panel of experts is appointed to form the Risk Communication Advisory Group. 为改善风险传达机制,生防护中心已委任一由专家组成的风险传达顾问小组。
- Independent review by members of NCA Scientific Advisory Group also confirmed the integrity of the study and its findings. NCA科学顾问组成员的独立评估也确认了这项研究及其发现的完整性。
- In the interest of transparency, the advisory group will meet in public session with webcasting facilities available to all interested parties. 为了提高透明度,咨询小组将在公众网上会议设施提供给所有感兴趣的各方。
- Thailand offers navy airbase as substitute airport. 泰国提供海军基地作为替补机场.
- The IAB also serves as the technology advisory group to the Internet Society, and oversees a number of critical activities in support of the Internet. IAB作为技术咨询小组,也向互联网社会提供服务,并为互联网上大量的重要活动提供监控支持。
- This should enable the boards to act rapidly and the advisory group, once established, to advance its deliberations efficiently. 这应当使董事会迅速采取行动,并咨询小组一旦成立,以推动其审议效率。
- My friend took a trip to Thailand. 我的朋友去泰国旅行了一次。
- E.J.McKay &Co., Inc. is a global corporate strategy and mergers &acquisitions advisory group focusing on China related transactions. 马凯是一家以中国业务为核心的跨国收购兼并及董事会策略的顾问公司。