- Study on the tender branch cutting of populus 杨树嫩枝扦插试验
- The Tender Branch Cutting of Celastrus Orbiculatus Thunb 南蛇藤嫩枝扦插研究
- Effect of Different Cuttings Length on Rooting by Tender Branch Cutting of Larch 落叶松嫩枝扦插插穗长度对生根的影响
- Tender branch cutting 嫩枝扦插
- Experiment on Tender Branch Cuttings of Ginkgo Biloba Treated with New DosePattern of ABT Root Creation Powder ABT新剂型生根粉处理银杏嫩枝扦插育苗试验初报
- The Anatomical Feasture Study on the Rooting of the Tender Branch Cuttings of Castanea mollissima Blume 板栗嫩枝扦插生根解剖学特征研究
- Cutting propagation of tender branch 嫩枝扦插
- Thick overhanging branches cut out the sunlight. 浓密的树枝垂下来遮住了阳光。
- Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts. 从原点至无穷远处的曲线起分支割痕的作用。
- The effects of different concentrations of NAA and IBA on cuttage were studied in the pot of Euphorbio pulcherrinia of annual and biennial branch cutting. 为试材,研究了不同成熟枝条经不同浓度的奈乙酸(NAA)和吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理后的扦插效应。
- WANG Cheng-shan,ZHANG Jia-an.Parallel algorithm for transient stability simulation based on branch cutting and subsystem iterating[J].Power System Technology,2004,28(1):22-26. [1]王成山;张家安.;基于支路分割和区域迭代的暂态稳定性仿真并行算法[J]
- Cutting Propagation of Tender Branch of Phlox paniculata 宿根福禄考嫩枝的扦插繁殖
- When breezes ruffle the lake water, the weeping willows sway their tender branches. 每当微风吹皱湖面,垂柳的柔枝就在风中款款摇摆。
- In the phase-unwrapping process, both the branch cut algorithm and the quality-guided algorithm are included to improve the quality of shape reconstruction. 相位重建的步骤包含分支切割线演算法与影像品质导引演算法,以这些演算法改善外形重建之品质。
- This is a rare species in China; it is useful for binding sand, and camels relish the tender branches. 这是在中国的一稀有的种;这对固沙有用,并且骆驼喜欢细弱的分枝。
- The secretory was distributed on the tender branches, young leaves and anthotaxy. 藜蒿试管苗嫩枝、幼叶和花序上分布着分泌腺。
- The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. 园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。
- Six inorganic elements in the tender branches and leaf of Securinga suffruticosa (Pall) Rehd were detected with atom ic absorption spectroscopy. 采用原子吸收分光光度法,测定了一叶嫩芽中6种无机元素含量,结果表明:一叶嫩枝叶中富含人体必需的锰、锌等元素。
- The tender branches are getting longer and longer, such as long claws ?Winter reminds me of the willow branches on the bald patch, but he or willow. 枝干上的嫩芽也越来越长,像又窄又长的爪子。让我想起冬季那柳树上的枝干秃秃的,但他还是柳树。
- The valley at this time "glittered green with sunny showers," and a budding ash-tree dipped its tender branches in the chiding stream. 那时的河谷“沐浴在阳光里,绿得耀眼”,一棵缀着花苞的岑木垂下它的嫩枝,拨弄着哗哗的溪流。