- After the British grand prix, it was the double diffuser in the spotlight for spoiling the efforts of the Technical Working Group to radically amend this year's cars for the benefit of the spectacle. 英国大奖赛之后(的采访),允许使用双层扩散器破坏了今年技术团退为增加看点而大幅修改的赛车。
- Technical working group of the Basel Convention 巴塞尔公约技术工作组
- APTWG copy protection technical working group 复制保护技术工作级
- Technical Working Group on Facilities Management; 设施管理技术工作组;
- Technical work is performed by working groups organized by topic areas (such as routing, transport, and security) and through mailing lists. 技术性工作由按主题领域(如路由、传输和安全)组成的工作组通过邮件列表来执行。
- Technical Working Group on Statistical Data Bases; 统计数据库技术工作组;
- Technical working group of the Basel Convention; 巴塞尔公约技术工作组;
- Health Sector Technical Working Group; 卫生部门技术工作组;
- Technical Working Group on Travel and Transportation; 旅行和运输技术工作组;
- Technical Working Group on Urban Environmental Indicators; 城镇环境指标技术工作组;
- Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources; 动物遗传资源政府间技术工作组;
- Technical Working Group on Issues relating to the Monitoring of Social Trends; 与监测社会趋势有关的问题技术工作组;
- WGTDF Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance. 贸易、债务和金融工作组文件。
- One should not despise technical work. 不应鄙薄技术工作。
- Network Working Group J. Soininen, Ed. [来源:网络基础|作者:网络协议|时间:2008-2-2|去论坛
- Network Working Group T. N. Pyke, Jr. 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2007-3-21
- Technical Working Group of Experts on a Code of Practice for International Transactions Involving Radioactive Waste; 关于涉及放射性废物国际交易业务守则的专家技术工作组;
- Everyone in your work group got a raise except you. 你工作小组的每个人都涨了薪水,唯独没有你的份。
- Technical Working Group of the Administrative Committee on Coordination Task Force on Sustainable Development; 行政协调委员会可持续发展工作队技术工作组;