- She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc. 她很喜欢中国古典文学, 诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。
- Song poetry is the refraction and reflection of Song Culture in literature. 摘要宋诗是宋型文化在文学层面的折射与反映。
- Golden treasury of Tang and Song poetry 唐宋诗一百五十首
- Combine Tang Poetry with Song Poetry 熔铸唐宋
- The controversy of Tang poetry and Song poetry 唐宋诗之争
- Controversy over Tang poetry and Song poetry 唐宋之争
- the controversy of Tang and Song poetry 唐宋诗之争
- the debate of Tang and Song poetry 唐宋诗论战
- mixed advocating of tang and song poetry 唐宋兼宗
- The Application of "Shape"in Song Poetry and Aesthetics Appreciation in of It's Image Character. 宋词中“影”的运用及其意象特征的审美观照。
- For instance, Qian Zhong-shu's research on Song poetry is of great significance but not any monograph has made it the focus. 如钱钟书的宋诗研究无疑是“钱学”体系中独具个性的一个有机构成,但目前尚无专著予以总结。
- Most of scholars studying Song poetry pay more attention to the literature which only has comments on poetry ,but not attach enough importance to notes . 历来研究宋代诗学者,大多注重专门论诗的文献材料,对笔记文献的诗学价值重视不够。
- The main creative points of this essay are: 1) It verifies the time of rising of Song poetry, emending and propelling the research by preceding scholars. 本文主要创新之处有:一、清初宋诗风的兴起是清诗史最引人瞩目的事件之一,本文对清初宋诗风兴起时间的考证,修正和推进了前人的研究;
- In Dali period, some factors of the Song culture begin to rise, so the poetry of "ten talents in Dali period" convey some characteristics of Song poetry. 大历时期,宋型文化的某些因素已经开始萌生,故而大历十才子诗歌已经开始具备宋诗的某些特征。
- Tang and Song Poetry on the Stone Tablets by Banyan Lake 榕湖唐宋诗碑刻鉴赏
- On the Stylistic Combination Law of Tang and Song Poetry 唐宋词体式组合规律探赜
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。
- Rhyming: One of the Creating Methods in Song Poetry 和韵:宋词的创作方法之一
- The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry. 这位学者的兴趣局限于唐诗。
- OU-YANG Xiu's Role from HAN Yu to Song Poetry 论欧阳修对韩愈诗歌的接受与宋诗的奠基