- Tokyo was our final destination. 东京是我们的最终目的地。
- Go and inquire about the flight to Tokyo. 去打听一下飞往东京的航班。
- How long does it take from here to tokyo station by car? 坐汽车从这里到东京要花多长时间?
- The population of Tokyo is larger than that of London. 东京的人口比伦敦的多。
- I hear my father was as old as I am now when he came up to Tokyo. 我听说我父亲来到东京时象我现在一样大。
- The Akita is twice as large as the Shiba Inu. 秋田犬是柴犬的两倍大。
- Because of the company business she has become a denizen of Tokyo. 由于公司业务她成了东京的常客。
- I have two aunts; one lives in Tokyo and the other in Osaka. 我有两个姑妈; 一个住在东京,另一个住在大阪。
- The ticket allow you two stopover between london and tokyo. 该票允许你在伦敦和东京之间作两次停留。
- Scolded in Akita dialect over and over. 一次又一次地被敌手用秋田方言辱骂。
- Akita-shi : Akita Bunka Shuppan, 2003.Shohan. 秋田市 : 秋田 文化 出版; 2003.;初版
- The Akita is twice the size of the Shiba Inu. (秋田犬是柴犬的两倍大。)
- M.V.Queen is scheduled to sail from London to Tokyo at the end of April. 女王号轮定于四月底从伦敦出发开往东京。
- Is The Akita the Right Dog For You? 我的狗狗叫旺财,是一只可爱的秋田狗狗!
- This is my first visit to Tokyo. 这是我第一次访问东京。
- Must not protrude above the metal surfact. 尼龙螺母不应高出金属表面。
- A EOR pilot test of WPS surfactant flooding. 活性剂WPS驱提高采收率先导试验研究
- Life in Tokyo is far from a bed of roses. 在东京生活决不是生活在温柔富贵乡。
- Wettability is an important property of surfactant. 润湿性是表面活性剂的一个重要特性。
- A puppy was born in Akita Prefecture and sent as a gift to Professor Ueno of Tokyo University. 前度学生为上野教授送来一只珍贵的纯种秋田小狗,尽管妻子极力反对,爱狗的教授仍留下这只被他名为”阿八”的小狗。