- Sunipia intermedia n. 少花大苞兰
- Lappula intermedia(Ledeb.)M.Pop. 单列刺赖毛子
- Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A.Mey. 中麻黄
- E phedra intermedia Schrek ex Mey. 中麻黄
- In humans, the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region. 人的脑垂体中间部是不发达的。
- In humans , the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region. 人的脑垂体中间部是不发达的。
- Oracle(R) interMedia User's Guide and Reference Release 9.2[Z].2001 - 6. 徐青;等.;近代摄影测量[M];北京:解放军出版社;2000;2
- INTERMEDIA is a European project that aims at user-centric multi media access. INTERMEDIA是目的用户中心多媒体导入的欧洲项目。
- Carolyn Moynihan is Deputy Editor of MercatorNet. She attended the congress courtesy of Intermedia. 卡罗琳?莫尼汉是棱镜网英文版的副主编,她应传媒咨询之邀出席了大会。
- Dr Villegas is also president of Intermedia, a Rome-based consultancy and co-organiser of the congress. 比列加斯博士还是传媒咨询的总裁,而传媒咨询则是设在罗马的一个顾问咨询机构,也是这次大会的组织者之一。
- Taizhou jiaojiang Xingcheng Pharmacal co.ltd is a manufacturer specialize in producing raw material and intermedia . 台州市椒江星成医药化工有限公司是一家专业生产经营原料药及中间体的医药化工企业。
- Huperzine A was found in H. serrata, H. serrata var. intermedia, H. sutchueniana, H. hunaniana a... 在该属中4种形态极难区分的种之间,石杉碱甲含量具有分类学意义。
- Abstract 7-amino-3-chloro-cephems-3-en-4-acid(7-ACCA) is an important intermedia te in preparation of cephalosporin. 摘要 7-氨基-3-氯-3-头孢烯-4-酸(7-ACCA)是合成多种头孢菌素的重要中间体。
- The network driver program's design and implementation way on the NDIS intermedia driver are introduced. 介绍了NDIS中间层网络驱动程序的设计与实现方法。
- Use : Traditional Chinese medicinal materials, are used in the medical intermedia , can cook the stock . 用途:入药,制作医药中间体,亦可做汤料;
- Hajjar FM,Pearson HA.Pharmacologic treatment of of thalassemia intermedia with hydroxyurea. 程少杰;朱为国;钱新华.;脾栓塞治疗地中海贫血的并发症
- Because the system processes the CIF(Common Intermedia Format) image, we need to convert the PAL image to the CIF image. 分析编码系统的视频采集部分,根据视频编码需要的CIF(Common Intermedia Format)图像格式,对采集到的PAL图像进行预处理。
- OBJECTIVE:To synthesize 5 amino 2,4,6 triiodoisophthalic acid, the intermedia of nonionic iodinated X ray contrast agents. 目的:合成非离子含碘造影剂的中间体5-氨基-2,4,6-三碘异酞酸。
- This project aimed to test the beginner, intermedia and expert user's task-oriented opreations, which is part of the user experience improve plan. 本项目是整个用户体验改善计划中的一部分,主要对初级用户、中级用户和专家用户进行面向任务的操作体验测试。
- Vivi Bong is a Year 2 student in Intermedia (Associate of Arts in Media Technology) at the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong. 黄飞飞现为香港城市大学创意媒体学院媒体科技副文学士的二年级生,主修夸媒体。