- Store a store of food 许多食物
- She keeps a store of amusing story in her head. 她头脑里有许多有趣的故事。
- If a person has a store of food,he has it in his power to consume it himself in idleness,or in feeding others to attend on him,or to fight for him,or to sing or dance for him. 如果一个人储藏有食物,则他有权在懒散中自行消费掉,有权用以养活侍候他或为他打仗、唱歌、跳舞的人。
- If a person has a store of food, he has it in his power to consume it himself in idleness, or in feeding others to attend on him, or to fight for him, or to sing or dance for him. 如果一个人储藏有食物,则他有权在懒散中自行消费掉,有权用以养活侍候他或为他打仗、唱歌、跳舞的人。
- She keep a store of amusing story in her head. 她头脑里有许多有趣的故事。
- To reduce or eliminate a store of nuclear weapons. 减少或消灭核武器储备
- I always keep a store of envelope ready in my desk. 我总是在写字台里备一些信封。
- The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter. 松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。
- Mother has a store of vegetables in the freezer. 母亲在冰箱里存放了蔬菜。
- She keep a store of amusingstory in her head. 她头脑里有许多有趣的故事。
- This animal makes a store of nuts for the winter. 这种动物为冬天储备了大量坚果。
- We have to store a substantial supply of food for winter. 我们必须为冬季储备丰足的食物供应。
- We have to store a substantial suply of food for winter. 我们不得不为冬季储备丰足的食物供应。
- You-walking, running, or resting-are a store of energy. 不管行走,跑步或休息,你都是能量的贮藏所。
- A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。
- Some animals such as mice are busy looking for food. Winter is long and cold. They have to store a lot of food. 像老鼠这样要冬眠的动物正忙着四处寻找食物。他们需要大量的储藏才能度过漫长而寒冷的冬天。
- Our country has a bountiful supply of food. 我们国家有充足的食物供应。
- In fact, they're the oldest store of food yet known from any animal. 事实上,它们是距今为止,我们所知道的最古老的动物食物化石。
- Natural radioactivity contains a store of valuable information. 天然放射性包含着许多有价值的信息。
- Mary put a lot of food in the refrigerator. 玛利把许多吃的放在冰箱里了。