- Statistic Image Edge Detecting 严重噪声污染图像边缘的统计检测算法
- Traditional algorithms of image edge detection were analyzed. 摘要分析了传统图像边缘检测算法。
- The method of Roberts ,Sobel, Krisch and Gauss Laplace are analysed in image edge detection of pests in stored grain. 在此基础上详细分析了roberts算子、Sobel算子、Krisch算子、高斯-拉普拉斯算子在害虫图像边缘检测中的应用。
- Infrared image edge detection is the key step of infrared image object identification and fault diagnosis. 红外图像的边缘检测是红外图像目标识别以及进一步红外故障诊断的关键环节。
- The fuzzy method for edge detection and extraction, which overcomes the shortcomings of the classic method, is suitable for precision image edge detection and extraction. 而边缘检测提取的模糊方法可克服经典方法的不足,比较适合精细图像边缘的检测和提取;
- Image edge detection is one of basic problems in image processing, and is a key step in image processing and image analysis. 图像边缘检测是图像处理的基本问题之一,是图像处理到图像分析的关键步骤。
- All kind of methods which are widely used in image edge detection are presented by author.Multiwavelet transform as a new theory is pain lucubration. 对目前在图像边缘检测中广泛使用的各种方法都进行了介绍,对多小波变换这一新兴理论进行了介绍。
- Yang Pingxian, Zhang Jiashu, Li Defang.Study for image edge detection based on fractal feature[J].Telecommunication Engineering, 1998,38(4): 54-57. [9]杨平先;张家树;李德芳.;基于分形的图像边缘检测研究[J]
- The image edge detection and enhancing techniques with the characters of B ultrasound images are applied to detect and extract the cardiac intima. 采用图像边缘检测和增强技术;结合B超图像的特点;对心脏内膜进行检测和提取.
- In this paper, firstly we study the image preprocessing of airplane in its 2-D image, including image smoothing, image filter, image edge detection, and binarization. 本文首先对输入的飞机二维图像进行预处理操作。
- By applying wavelet analysis method to image edge detection,multi scale operator of wavelet analysis functions well for noise resisting ability and picture edge reserving. 将小波分析方法应用于图像边缘检测领域,小波分析的多尺度算子在抗噪声和保留图像边缘的能力上有比较好的效果。
- So an edge detection method based on phase information is presented, which is more efficiency in detecting the NOSM image edges than the method based on intensity. 针对这种情况,本文提出采用基于相位信息的边缘检测方法,克服了基于图像强度信息进行边缘检测的不足,有效地提取了近场光学图像的边缘信息。
- Image Edge Detecting Method Based on Fractal Feature 基于分形特征的图像边缘检测方法
- At last, the application of the algorithm proposed to image edge detection and comparative experiments show that the algorithm have great ability of detection the fuzzy edge and exiguous edge. 最后将该算法应用到图像边缘检测,对比实验表明,该算法具有很强的模糊边缘和微细边缘检测能力。
- Multimodality medical image fusion is significant to clinical diagnosis, and it results in the extensive research on this field, most of which are focused on the methods based on image edge detection. 多模态医学图像融合由于其对医学临床诊断的意义已引起广泛的关注,基于图像边缘特性的融合方法逐渐成为研究的重点。本文提出了一种基于离散二进小波变换的多尺度边缘检测和图像融合的方法,实现了特征级图像融合。
- The experiment results show that the method presented is more effective than classical edge detection operators for overcoming the defects of infrared image and retaining details of image edge. 实验结果表明,本文提出的算法可以有效地克服红外图像的缺陷,保持图像边缘细节,优于传统边缘检测器。
- In order to preserve fusion image edges better, the denoising and edges detection combined are statistical parameters is used to evaluate multifocus image fusion performance. 为了更好地保持图像的边缘,该文在图像融合过程中将图像去噪与边缘检测相结合。
- Image Edge Detection Based on B-spline Wavelets 基于B样条小波的图像边缘检测
- Self-focusing Detector for Image Edge Detection 自聚焦图像边缘探测器