- Sphingonotus bifasciatus n. 二纹束颈蝗
- To Control Trunk insect Pests Semanotus bifasciatus with Its Natural Enemy Pyemotes sp. 利用天敌蒲螨控制柏树蛀干害虫双条杉天牛。
- Title: To Control Trunk insect Pests Semanotus bifasciatus with Its Natural Enemy Pyemotes sp. 关键词:病虫害及其防治;天敌;研究;蒲螨;蛀干害虫;双条杉天牛
- The content of DHA and EPA was highest, up to 28.4% in the crude fat of Decapterus maruadsi head, and only 7.26% in the crude fat of Parupeneus bifasciatus viscera. 蓝圆鲹的头部粗脂肪中DHA和EPA最高,含量达到28.;4%25,而双带海鲱鲤内脏粗脂肪中的EPA和DHA含量仅为7
- The volatiles emitted from Platycladus orientalis were extracted by four different solvents(Petroleum,Hexane,Ethanol and Methylene dichloride),and the Electroantennogram(EAG) responses of Semanotus bifasciatus to them were recorded. 研究测定了侧柏的不同溶剂提取物对双条杉天牛的触角电位(EAG)反应。
- These results show that the P values among the nine species of Sphingonotus are about 0.099 to 0.146, the P values between Sphingonotus and the distant genus are about 0.113-0.226. 结果表明,束颈蝗属种间的P值约为0.;099-0
- Semanotus bifasciatus (Motschulsky) 双条杉天牛
- Semanotus bifasciatus Motschulsky 双条杉天牛
- Sphingonotus nebulosus nebulosus n. 岩石束颈蝗
- Sphingonotus obscuratus latissimus n. 黑翅束颈蝗
- Semanotus bifasciatus 双条杉天牛
- Psarocolius bifasciatus n. 帕拉拟黄鹂(拟黄鹂科)
- Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus n. 黄灯鱼(脂鲤科)
- Semauotus bifasciatus 双条杉天牛
- Amphilobocentrus bifasciatus n. 二带侧瓣角蝉
- Sphingonotus n. 束颈蝗属
- Sphingonotus kirgisicus n. 吉尔束颈蝗
- Sphingonotus halophilus n. 海边束颈蝗
- Sphingonotus tzaidamicus n. 柴达木束颈蝗
- Sphingonotus kueideensis n. 贵德束颈蝗