- Two months before the Olympics, Soviet tanks rolled into Prague. 奥运会前的两个月,苏联的坦克开进布拉格。
- Soviet tanks joined the action, which raged throughout the night. 苏军坦克参与了此次战斗,直持续到了深夜。
- A few dozen captured French Renault and Soviet tanks were provided to give the division some armoured firepower. 一些俘获的法国雷诺坦克和苏军坦克交给了该师,来提供装甲火力支持。
- He especially once again use the "IDF artillery Bird" prototype flew front clusters flanking the Soviet tanks over. 他特意再次乘坐那架“大炮鸟”原型机飞临战线侧翼的苏联坦克集群上空。
- The unsupported Soviet tanks and armored cars rolled forward and did blunt the Japanese offensive. 无支援的苏联坦克和装甲车开到了前线并且遏止了日军的攻势。
- But the storm broke on 24 December 1943 - 1000 Soviet tanks smashed southwest towards Manstein's headquarters at Vinnitsa, 80km (50 miles) away. 第48装甲军只能保持两天的攻势,但是它们给苏军重大杀伤,12月22日第1装甲师顶住了两个军级规模的攻击摧毁了68辆坦克。
- The survivors of the Nordland Division gathered up five tanks and tried to drive out of the city, only to be ambushed by Soviet tanks. “诺德兰”师的残余部队集结了5辆坦克试图从城市突围,却遭到到了苏军坦克的埋伏。
- It was the winter of 1979 and a few days later, Soviet tanks rolled into Afghanistan, across the palace, crunching what was left. 1979年的冬天,也就是在几天之后,前苏联的坦克开进了阿富汗,穿越了宫殿,碾过了被遗留在当地的一切。
- It was trapped there with the rest of the army group when Soviet tanks reached the Baltic north of Memel at the end of October. 临波罗的海库尔斯基湾北端达涅河口。人口19.;5万(1985)。)时,施泰纳尔德部队和集团军的残余部队被包围了。
- The development of super heavy tank started as early as 1941, when Krupp started the studies of superheavy Soviet tanks. 超重型坦克的发展早在1941年就已经开始了,当时克努伯公司开始研究苏联的超重型坦克。
- Soviet tank counterattacks against the flanks of the Leibstandarte were repulsed. 苏军坦克向“警卫旗队”师侧翼发动的反击被击退了。
- The Japanese expected to encounter light infantry and cavalry, not regular Soviet tank and motorized units. 日本人期望遇到轻步兵和骑兵,而不是正规的苏联坦克和摩托化部队。
- Field Marshal Erich von Manstein now started to muster his panzer strike force to seal the gap in the line and defeat the Soviet tank armies. 埃里希冯曼施泰因元帅现在开始集结他的装甲部队来应付前线的混乱局面并且计划击败苏军坦克集团军。
- When Soviet tanks tried to break into the Panjshir, government forces launched devastating barrages of mortar; rockets and cannon fire against villages and partisan concentrations. 在苏军坦克力图冲进帕尼希尔谷地的同时,政府军的迫击炮、火箭炮和大炮向周围村落和游击队密集点猛烈轰击。
- He and Churchill got Stalin to promise that all nations would have the right to choose their own postwar governments, but those lovely words meant little with Soviet tanks squatting on Polish soil. 他和邱吉尔使斯大林保证所有的国家有权选择自己的战后政府,但当苏联的坦克停驻在波兰的土地上时,这些动听的言辞并没有什么意义。
- Soviet tanks were officially supposed to be dark green but according to experts, and common sense of war production &weathering, I understand they were actually dark green to various shades of olive. 苏联坦克一般被认为是涂装暗绿色,但通过专家和一些战争出版物,我认为它们实际上是不同深浅的橄榄绿。
- Allied and Soviet Tank Aces advance on Berlin; 盟军和苏联的坦克追杀进展柏林;
- Our tanks cut in ahead of the escaping aggressors. 我们的坦克抢到前面去拦住那些溃逃的侵略者。
- Charging tanks put the infantry to rout. 进攻的坦克使步兵溃不成军。
- Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in1941. 德国在1941年开始进攻苏联。