- It's she who fosters us with sound environment. 是她献给我们成长的土壤。
- It's she who fosters us with sound environment . 是她献给我们成长的土壤。
- Abstract: Try to find out how to merge the sound environment into architectural acoustics. 文摘:探索如何使声环境的要求,融入建筑设计中。
- Boodler is designed to run in the background on a computer, maintaining whatever sound environment you desire. 电子书标题或软件简介: Boodler -- a tool for creating soundscapes -- continuous; infinitely varying streams of sound.
- Abstract: It is a key step in the sound environment forecasting work to study the status of sound isoline distribution. 摘 要: 研究声强等值线的分布情况,是声环境预测工作中的一个关键环节。
- The fundamental way to a sound environment is to purify people's minds. The ultimate goal of social education is to improve social morale. 净化人心是环境保育的根本之道改善风气是社会教化的究竟目标。
- In this paper, we present the method of sound environment layout of the south sight-seeing town, and the Jinxi Town as the example is studied. 结合锦溪镇的应用实例,由此对南方旅游城市的声环境规划方法进行了探讨。
- UNIDO mobilizes knowledge, skills, information and technology to promote productive employment, a competitive economy and a sound environment. 工发组织调动知识,技能,信息和技术,以促进生产性就业,以形成有竞争力的经济和健全的环境。
- We should encourage the rational flow of trained people and create a sound environment which makes it possible for outstanding people to come to the fore in all fields. 促进人才合理流动,积极营造各方面优秀人才脱颖而出的良好环境。
- This paper presents the state of the sound environment about housing in the city, and puts forward improving measurements in accordance with its problems. 对城市住宅的声环境现状加以分析,并针对存在的问题提出了相应的改进措施。
- The values of %L{NP}% in different time of one day exist disparity.The quality of sound environment in farm product market is much bad if we evaluate it using NII. 农贸市场一天内不同时段噪声污染级的数值大小有一定的差距;
- Purpose Probe into the musicotherapy,that is,the curative effect of Music Therapy,Sensational Psychotherapy and Artificial and Natural Sound Environment in curing senile innitus. 目的探讨乐音疗法,即音乐疗法、感觉心理疗法和人工及自然环境对老年性耳鸣的疗效。
- As a government department,the Ministry of Railways will expedite the reform of the investment system,do a good job in coordinating all quarters involved,and strive to create a sound environment for overseas investors. 铁道部作为政府机关,要加快投资体制改革,做好各方面的协调工作,努力创造有利于外商进入中国铁路市场的良好环境。
- Nine point percent of the cities have serious noise pollution,16.5 % of them have medium level pollution,48.7% have light pollution and 25.3% of the cities have fairly good ambient sound environment concerning the urban road traffic. 其中9.;5%25的城市污染严重,16
- As a government department, the Ministry of Railways will expedite the reform of the investment system, do a good job in coordinating all quarters involved, and strive to create a sound environment for overseas investors. 铁道部作为政府机关,要加快投资体制改革,做好各方面的协调工作,努力创造有利于外商进入中国铁路市场的良好环境。
- Persistent efforts have been pooled to rectify and regulate the order of the market economy, and crack down on various illegal activities in economic and circulation fields, with an eye to create a sound environment for reform and development. 坚持整顿和规范市场经济秩序,坚决打击经济和流通领域的各种违法活动,为改革和发展创造了良好的环境;等等。
- It has coordinated economic and social development, stressed the quality of economic growth, boosted development of social undertakings and tried to create the sound environment for people's all-round development. 统筹经济社会发展,强调经济增长质量,加大社会事业发展力度,创造有利于人全面发展的良好环境。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- Nine point percent of the cities have serious noise pollution, 16.5% of them have medium level pollution, 48.7% have light pollution and 25.3% of the cities have fairly good ambient sound environment concerning the urban road traffic. 其中9.;5%25的城市污染严重,16
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。