- The small and middle enterprises in Chengdu have become the major driving force of Chengdu economic growth, national economy and social development. 摘要成都中小企业已成为推动成都经济发展的主要动力,成为全市国民经济和社会发展的重要力量。
- In this paper,gear CAD program is developed on the base of Auto CAD software,turbo C Language ang Foxbase database, and it can reduce small and middle enterprises cost of CAD/CAM integruted system. 此文利用Auto CAD软件、Turbo C语言和Foxbase数据库开发了齿轮CAD系统,为中小型企业低成本的CAD/CAM集成系统提供了条件。
- Along with the fast development of computer and Internet technology,the global village has become the actuality. If small and middle enterprises want to become stronger and bigger,they must directly face the vigorous competition of international market. 随着计算机技术和网络技术的快速发展,地球村已成为现实,中小企业要想做强做大,就必须直接面对竞争激烈的国际市场。
- This paper analyzed the strategic alliance by the theory of value chain,introduced the necessity for the small and middle enterprise to ally,the strength when allying and the patterns of the strategic alliance. 从价值链理论分析了战略联盟,并介绍了中小企业进行战略联盟的必要性,战略联盟可获得的优势和战略联盟的方式。
- Tapholes of small and middle size BFs. 中小型高炉出铁口。
- Reflection on Financial Circulation for Small and Middle Enterprises 关于中小企业融资问题的思考
- the growing of small and middle enterprise 中小企业成长
- The Small and Middle Enterprises inside Replies abroad Anti-dump Accountancy's Problem in the Litigation 中小企业应对国外反倾销诉讼中的会计问题
- small and middle enterprises 中小企业
- Small and Middle -size Enterprises at the County Level: Where Do They Get Loans? 县域中小企业融资渠道研究?
- An Institutional Explanation of the Phenomenon of Regional Breakthrough of Chinese Economy in Transition--New Perspectives on the Growing of Small and Middle Enterprise 转型经济中区域突破现象的制度解释--基于中小企业成长的新视角
- small and middle enterprise 中小企业
- Besides, the characteristics of small and middle firms have interference effect to long-term partnership orientations. 此外,中小企业之特质将对夥伴关系长期导向造成干扰效果。
- The binding technique for hob cutter inserts is useful for small and middle tool works. 其中,关于滚刀刀片的粘结工艺对中小工具厂家有借鉴意义。
- He was small and healthily built. 他个子小但身体很健康。
- The Greek army is small and poorly equipped. 其军队人数不多且装备落后。
- The neurons are m ainly small and middle in size, oval or round in shape, and scatteredly distribu t ed. 细胞呈椭园或 园形,以小型及中型为主,本文在基因水平上证实部分心内神经节细胞能合成血管加压素。
- It is suitable for disassembling wheels and checking the microbuses and cars of both small and middle sizes. 适用于中小型面包车和轿车的轮胎拆卸和底盘检修。
- Cindy is small and just comes up to my chest. 辛迪个子很小,只到我的胸脯那么高。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。