- Similar systems would work as well. 类似的系统也行。
- A similar system is used to contact the communications satellites that now continually encircle the earth. 人们正把同样的系统用来与目前绕地球飞行的通讯卫星保持联系。
- Standard & Poors uses a very similar system,starting at AAA and ending at D,which indicates an issue in distress. 标准普尔使用大致相同的系统,从AAA到最后表示债券出问题的D。
- Standard & Poors uses a very similar system, starting at AAA and ending at D, which indicates an issue in distress. 标准普尔使用大致相同的系统,从aaa到最后表示债券出问题的D。
- The NYSE needs to embrace a similar system of independent regulation because public confidence so clearly demands it. 纽约证交所有必要采用一个类似的独立监管体制,因为这显然是赢得公众信心所需要的。
- And his quality control system at Motown was like a similar system in car factories. 他在摩城的质量控制体系也很像汽车工厂的体系。
- Standard &Poors uses a very similar system, starting at AAA and ending at D, which indicates an issue in distress. 标准普尔使用大致相同的系统,从aaa到最后表示债券出问题的d。
- DB tried to introduce a similar system in2003, but abandoned it because of opposition from politicians and consumer groups. db尝试着2003年引进一个相似的系统,但是由于来自政客以及消费者群体的反对就放弃了。
- You might ask to see a report from a similar system, consult a book on meteorology, or ask another stakeholder to describe the request more accurately. 你可以要一个类似的系统给出的报告,求助于气象学的书籍,也可以请另一名涉众把要求描述得更精确一些。
- A class of words of one language with the same or a similar system of inflections, such as the first declension in Latin. 词形变化中的一组静词一种语言中的一类词,它们有相同或相似的词形变化系统,如拉丁语的第一词形变化
- ZTE makes a similar system which reduces power consumption by 40% and has already been deployed by CSL, an operator in Hong Kong. 中兴开发出一套相似设备,可降低功率损耗40%25,运营商香港移动通讯(CSL)已经安装了这套设备。
- And OMV, an Austrian energy company, has tested a similar system developed by the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. 此外,一家奥地利能源公司OMV也检测了一个由北奥地利应用科学大学开发的同类系统。
- You can adopt a similar system so that you will always have something to write about and will never face a blank screen wondering what on earth to say. 当然,你也可以采用类似的系统使你在博客上有东西可写,从而不用面对空白的屏幕,殚精竭虑的思考到底写些什么。
- Others states have similar systems for winding down insolvent insurers. 其它州也有类似针对经营不善公司的处理系统。
- Formal Material Review Board( MRB) or similar system in place to deal with rejected material disposition, including“ scrap”,“ rework”,“ RTV”,“ UAI”, etc. 有正式的物料检讨系统(MRB)处理拒收物料;包括“报废”;“返工”;“退货”;“可用”等等.
- CMU is the central clearing and settlement system for debt securities in Hong Kong and RITS is a similar system for Australian government debt securities. 债务工具中央结算系统是香港的中央债券结算交收系统,而RITS则为类似的澳洲政府债券系统。
- Since then a similar system was installed in Jacksonville Florida for the Atlantic Fleet and a second phase at San Diego is currently being constructed. 自从那时以后,我们在佛罗里达杰克逊维尔给大西洋舰队安装了一个相似的系统,现在,在圣地牙哥,二期工程正在进行。
- Because the civil procurator's protest system exists only in China, other countries don't have similar system, so it can hardly draw lessons from other countries. 由于对生效民事裁判的抗诉监督极具中国特色,而其他国家对类似的规定鲜有涉及,因此很难借鉴。
- Become a Book Mooch.BookMooch offers a similar system, but instead of swapping, you earn "points" for every book you give away, which you can use to "buy" other people's books. 当你想到每一棵倒下的树只能生产24本书,那我们播撒爱心,让我们的书传到其他人手中,是多么的合情合理。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。