- He drew a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket. 他从上衣口袋里抽出一札文件。
- The speaker had a sheaf of notes on the desk in front of him. 演讲者在他面前的桌子上放着一叠笔记。
- Did you have gas or an injection? 你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针?
- I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection. 我注射了伤寒针剂后产生了不良反应。
- The morphine was administered by injection. 那吗啡是注射进去的。
- Sheaf injection 参附注射液
- He brandished a sheaf of documents. 他手里挥舞着一扎文件。
- We hope to inject new life into our business. 我们希望使我们的业务工作充满朝气。
- He searched for and found a sheaf of papers in cabinet. 他在柜中寻找到一扎文件。
- He waved a sheaf of documents at me. 他手拿一叠文件朝我晃了晃。
- He draw a sheaf of papers from his breastpocket. 他从上衣口袋里抽出一札文件。
- He drew a sheaf of papers from his breastpocket. 他从上衣口袋里抽出一扎文件。
- We hope to inject new interest into our work. 我们希望使我们的工作饶有趣味。
- He drew a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket . 他从上衣口袋里抽出一扎文件。
- He draw a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket. 他从上衣口袋里抽出一札文件。
- The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain. 医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。
- Control group use inject muscle pethidine. 对照组采用常规肌肉注射止痛剂哌替啶。
- We need an injection of new blood with fresh ideas. 我们需要有新观念的新人。
- An injection of penicillin costs about2 yuan. 打一针青霉素约花两块钱。
- This essentially implies that the presheaf is a sheaf. 这实质上蕴含着预层是一个层。