- She is young at work. 她没有工作经验。
- She is young and is at the golden age of her life. 她青春年少,正当芳年。
- She is always at work on Sundays. 她星期天总是在工作。
- Though James is old, he is young at heart. 虽然James年纪大,但他是人老心不老。
- She has to shut the dog in all day while she is at work. 她上班时只好整天把狗关在屋里。
- I hardly ever see her; she is scarcely ever at work. 我现在难得见到她,她简直都不上班。
- She is young and does everything with bells on . 她年轻,做一切事情都满怀热情。
- Although she is young, she is very independent. 虽然她很年轻,但是很有主见。
- She is young and does everything with bells on. 她年轻,做一切事情都满怀热情。
- She is young, and needs looking after. 她还年青,需要照看。
- Since she is young, she is lacking in experience. 由于年轻,她缺乏经验。
- Although she is young, she has a mature demeanor. 看她小小的年纪,性格却如此沉凝。
- A young woman reads her horoscope at work, goes home, and fantasizes that she is being fought over by two nude men. 一个年轻女性工作时读占星术的书,回到家,幻想着与两个裸体男子共舞。
- She is only sixteen; but what does that matter when one is young ? 她还只不过十六岁;年纪轻的时候,那又有什么相干?
- Eleanor is always a penny pinch ever since she is young. 埃莉诺从年轻时候起就一直是个非常吝啬的人。
- He is young at heart and is fond of watching cartoons with his grandson. 他是个老来少,最爱跟孙子一起看动画片。
- We can't admit her into the army because she is young. 由于她太小,我们不能接纳她参军。
- She is only sixteen; but what does that matter when one is young? 她还只不过十六岁; 年纪轻的时候,那又有什么相干?
- I adore Teacher Chen Yilin in that she is young and charming. 我很喜欢陈宜琳老师,因为她年轻又美丽。
- But even she is young compared with the oldest plants in the world. 不过与世界上最长寿的植物相比,她还算是幼齿的。